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How to confront certain friends or co-workers about ...

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June 25, 2012
Posts: 21

PostPosted:     Post subject: How to confront certain friends or co-workers about ...
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certain trans issues?

When I go into public, i'm read as woman for the most part until I go out with certain friends or co-workers. Everything will be going alright until certain persons in particular refer to me as "he," "him," " that's not really a woman," or say "you're supposed to like men, why do you flirt with girls?"

This person is fairly decent acquaintance/friend, but I really hate going out into public with them when they don't respect or acknowledge what I am going through or even my general privacy. Because, strangers (like people passing by, patrons, bar attendants, waiters, customer reps, and waitresses) will start to ask me questions about my transition. I don't think that's really most people's business for the most part. Especially, when they couldn't tell in the first place.

Last edited by godzillaeyes1 on Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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`I agree with you 100%. I transitioned at work (was there for 4years and some odd months - no longer there now) and everytime a new person/people came to work there, I was always the topic of hot debate/discussion. Yes, I hated it because before these new people knew anything, they were nice to me and didnt think a damn thing until I was brought to their attention THEN they changed twards me. A few guys did all they could to avoid me. I blame all of this on those who just dont keep their mouths shut and let me be. After I quit there, everyone refers to me as a female in all places. At work those people didnt and it called me out. Now days, my everyday life is better. Just dont bother going places or being with people who dont respect you. You can make a dozen more friends for a dime.

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June 25, 2012
Posts: 21

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jennaclarke wrote: `I agree with you 100%. I transitioned at work (was there for 4years and some odd months - no longer there now) and everytime a new person/people came to work there, I was always the topic of hot debate/discussion. Yes, I hated it because before these new people knew anything, they were nice to me and didnt think a damn thing until I was brought to their attention THEN they changed twards me. A few guys did all they could to avoid me. I blame all of this on those who just dont keep their mouths shut and let me be. After I quit there, everyone refers to me as a female in all places. At work those people didnt and it called me out. Now days, my everyday life is better. Just dont bother going places or being with people who dont respect you. You can make a dozen more friends for a dime.

It'll be easier when the public becomes more enlightened and realize that being transsexual is a medical condition and not some form of s----l deviance (or a condition that makes us magically and undyingly attracted to every single c#ck that walks by). It's weird when people don't know you, or when you simply walk around in public. I'm just another face in the crowded world of women.I don't mind being notice for my beauty or my personality, not my transsexuality (which I feel gives people a reason to dehumanize you ... mostly bullies, bigots, and transsexual chasers).

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