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Is therapy required to transition?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Is therapy required to transition?

For a while I was seeing a Transgender therapist to start my transition. I was 17 at the time and when I tried to get my mom to come to a session with me things didn't work out~ It's a couple years later I think my mom is more understanding and I'm saving up money. Soon I would like to get my transition starting back up. There's only on transgender therapist I know of, the one I went to before. The problem is I don't think I was really connecting with her. I felt she wasn't very understanding of all my explaining and I was a bit upset when she tried to get me to sit like a guy. The problem was I normal sit guyish, but I was nervous so I was more stiff in my sitting position. I told her that but it didn't seem to matter. I dunno but that whole event was frustrating and I really don't want to go back to her.

So I've been doing some more research on other therapists and I really can't find any that seem as legit as her. So now I'm wondering if therapy is necessary at all? Will I be able to get hormones, top surgery, name change, all that good stuff without a therapist?

I'd also accept any resources that could give me a guide to finding another therapist. I'm completely and totally lost on where to look.

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October 12, 2010
Posts: 101

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`sorry I cant really answer your question..
I guess it depend on where you are.. country, and area.. what is nessesary and whats not
I dont know if there rules in our country/area about you need one or not.
but so far I understand what you mean and I think you should do what feels best for you. (in my country there rule who say that for surgery you need minimum 2 years with a therapist but for homones it depend on what your doctor says and if he dosent demand anything then you dont need any therapist.)

I got pretty much a simular problems, so far there is 1 place in my country who is wellknowed for dealing with transexuals..
I got to them when I was around 15 just to have someone to talk to since the other therapist/doctors I seen just didnt seam to get it. + I also wanted to see if I could get homones or sexchance.
but I didnt felt they threathed me well and had to stick to alot of unfair rules and excuse... and I deside that for surgery part I will go to another country to be threathed under what I see as fair people and fair rules..

I really feel it worth it when your talk about such important things that the people your talking to are people you trust..

if you Need to have a therapist then I think you should try seach see if there someone ells...

you could try transguy, they got a map with transexuals peoples, I found a trans therapist in my country where I thought there would be no one..
and if not then you could try ask some trans people in our eara for advise or if they know someone ells than the woman your with..
and if you dont know any trans people in your area you could seach on the net..

it pretty much my advise not much but I hope it better than nothing.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I highly recommend going to a therapist. In Pennsylvania, at least, it is required for a minimum of 3 months before your case can be reviewed for hormones...sometimes the therapist waits 4 to 6 months, though, if he/she feels like you aren't ready emotionally. My therapist was ready to put me on hormones only after the second session. lol He and I were required to wait, however, until 3 months were up.

I don't like how that therapist handled your case at all. The gender therapist isn't there to tell you what you are are are not doing correctly to be "male". They are supposed to gage whether or not a transition would improve your quality of life, no matter your mannerisms. Hell, my therapist told me he has certain FTMs or MTFs that are purposefully transitioning only "half-way" so they can go back and forth because they feel like they are both male AND female or feel like they are they want to look as androgynous as possible.

Try to find someone else. A therapist is a great resource when transitioning...if nothing else then for comfort and safety when dealing with all the crap that will happen. And trust me...EVERYONE has at least one story when it gets rough. They are trained also to sooth angry and disrespectful parents...very useful.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

Thankfs for the posts. I feel a lot better about my situation now. In my area there really isn't a lot of resources for this sort of thing. I remember now there being a certain amount of sessions you have to attend so I'll need to find a therapist. I'll look on transguy and see if I can find something. If not I'll tough it out with her and maybe this time I'll be more able to speak up and the experience will be a lot better. I've gained a lot more confidence since then so that should help.

I was really quite offended when the she was trying to get me have guy mannerisms. I'm very anti-gender rules but I was afraid to say something in case she'd be like, "Well then you're jut a tomboy."

But as I've been doing more research even a therapist does seem like the best bet for guidance and second opinions and everything. At least I do have a couple months to think everything through. Thanks guys!

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October 12, 2010
Posts: 101

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`copy; no problems^^
aede; forth and back.. hmm seams messy,
my parrent keep up scary storys on me, like that I will be ill by taking homones and miserable by having surgery.. she would diffently kill me if I told her anything like that LOL..
I also had my therepist who was like that..
it feels stupid to prove your a guy or a girl just by acting more girly or boyish..

the thing about all girls playing with barbie and all guys with car are so old time, if she is for real then she should know better than that.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`This is an old post, but since the requirements are always changing, I think a good update is in order. Mind you, this only applies for the US.

In 2011, the standards of care for treating transsexuals changed. The important changes can be found here: (removed)

Psychotherapy was never a requirement to get on hormone therapy if your a legal adult. However, if you seem unsure, immature, or like you have other mental issues, then they will probably suggest you to go to therapy before they feel ready to prescribe you T. Therefore, the amount of therapy you do or don't need is completely up to the ---------- of your physician. Some will ALWAYS make their trans patients go through therapy, while others are more lenient. If you don't like your physicians decision, you can request a second opinion or go to a clinic. Also, GP can prescribe T, and you do not need to be referred to an endocrinologist.

If you have insurance that covers trans surgeries, they will ALWAYS require some level of therapy before hand. This depends on the insurer, not necessarily the standards of care. My physician told me that I just have to meet with a therapist, for no particular amount of time, and as long as they concur that I have no emotional issues that would impede a healthy transition, I'm good to go.

Point being, some take the 3 month guidelines as hard benchmarks, while others pay attention to the word "suggested" and treat patients on a case by case basis.

For the record, I live in Southern California. No doubt a place where access to nonjudgemental doctors is easier than others. However, my doctor doesn't have a huge amount of experience with transsexuals.

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