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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: t---

I would realy like to know why the word 't---' is considered offensive on this site? i mean i have a pair of t--- yes 2 t--- and most women in the world have a pair of t--- so what is wrong with the word 't---' ? i have heard 5 year olds use language stronger than that. I could say breasts but who referes to t--- as breasts in the year 2011 i would think that at least 95% of women call them t--- and most men call them t---.

So to finish i would just like to say 't---' hold on! maybe in some far off land it means ---- you or you bastard? I give in as far as i am concerned i have a pair of t--- and i am very attached to them and they are very attached to me .

If you are in another country are you seeing the letter 'i' being replaced with a * let me know! come on i need to know its realy bugging me ,i consider myself to be reasonably intelligent even though i had no education (thats why i smell thongs wrong sometimes) see i done it again , hold on! maybe its code for something T-I-T-S Some secret organisation?.

I recently uploaded a video on to youtube and it got flaged because one of my 'breasts' fell out of my top for about 5 seconds but it got over 500 views in 2 days so someone somewhere likes breasts apart from the one nut that flaged it.

Julia + t--- .

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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t--- is a slighly offensive slang term for breasts in the U.S.

And yes, while women have them, that particular term for them comes across as crass.

While a man has a -----, we don't let people refer to it as a c---.

Afterall, we want to be fair to all sexes with our overbearing censorship.



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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi feedback!.
Thanks for that it realy is kind of strange how one thing means something to one country to another or is considered as offensive to another.

About a year ago i was told by someone in the U.S that the name of the town where i live is an offensive word in the U.S and the person had to google it to see it was actualy the name of a town in the UK.

Thanks for letting me know i will refere to them as breasts from now on but i better not tell you the name of the town i live in at present .

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October 10, 2011
Posts: 11

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`Yeah, slang between languages, even between two branches of the same language can get pretty funny.

I remember me and a group of fellow students were in London for a short term study abroad, and all of us started cracking up when we heard the line we were on went to Cockfosters.

As for your original post about t*ts, well, its all about connotations. T*ts has a slightly negative connotation compared to breast, which is more sterilized due to its everyday usuage with other topics, like chicken. Or at least thats how I see it.

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