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I am transexual and born a catholic.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: I am transexual and born a catholic.

So i was born a catholic what a great start for a transexual as the pope says Transexuals and gays do not deserve a life but i bet given half a chance the old fart would soon get in bed with me.

So picture this i am 7 years old and i have to go to a school run by nuns .

My first day! I walk up to this big door i cannot open so i knock , the big door opens and there stands this nun looking like a giant penguin with a human face and this conversation follows.

Nun- yes what do you want?
Me- my mummy says i have to come here.
Nun- well if you come here you have to be good! will you be good?
Well i can see past her and see this man nailed to a cross .
Me- yes i will be good.
Nun- do you love god?
Me- who?
Nun- god don't you know who god is?
Me- no who is he?
Nun- he is the father son and holy ghost he is 3 in 1 do you understand?
Me- well i am 7 years old of course i understand .
Nun- God loves you and if you do not love god he will cast you into ever lasting flame have you ever burned yourself?
Me- yes i burned my finger on the fire.
Nun- well if you do not love god you will feel that pain all over your body forever.
Me- i love him i love him.
Me- where is he?
Nun- he is everywhere.
Me - where i can't see him.
Nun - just because you can't see him does not mean hes not here.
Me- is he under the stairs?
Nun- no god does not go under stairs he is here now with us upstairs down stairs he is everywhere.
Me- well if hes so big why can,t i see him?
Nun- shut up.
Me- whos the man on the cross?
Nun- that is jesus i told you father son and holy ghost and he died because of your sins.
Me- when was this i did'nt do anything?
Nun- it was 2000 years ago.
Me- you can't blame me i'm only 7.
Me- did he have a mummy?.
Nun- yes mary was his mummy.
Me- did he have a daddy?
Nun-yes god was his daddy
Me- so god was married to mary?.
Nun- no god was married to joseph
Me- : : : .
Nun- SHUT UP!.

I lost my faith in this or any god at the age of 10 after my father was killed and told by these people that god needed him more than we did! we being my mother and 4 brothers and my sister.

Never ever trust anyone who only reads one book! now you know why the world is screwed up.


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February 12, 2012
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the vatican and so-called respecable people have their overwhelming share of hypocrites. you should read 120 days in sodom. it will give you another perspective on life.

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July 31, 2011
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`I am born a catholic, from a catholic family, I'm in a country surrounded by Catholics, raised as a catholic, and even went to catholic grade school. But womanhood is nourishing at the same time. Technically, third S-- is not honored by my religion, despite of some catholics supporting us. Because of this, I had to choose and think deeper, to give up what I really want as a woman for the sake of being in this religion, or the other way around. I chose to quit. No matter how religious I could become, the religion will still condemn me.

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October 27, 2011
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Richard Dawkins puts it nicely when he says that there is no such thing as a Christian child. A child doesn't have a choice at a young age to make up their own mind. You can see it here: (removed)

Having been baptised into the Church of England at an age where I had no choice in the matter, and when (at least at that time, some forty odd years ago when I last regularly attended) the C of E had less to do with virgin births, stigmata and miracles and perhaps more to do with tea and buns, it didn't take too many years before realising that science had better answers for things than did religion.

I would recommend Christopher Hitchens 'God is not Great' as a good read. (removed)

It puts a lot of things into perspective.

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former member default image - bird flying away


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`Julia left? I guess I can't blame her, I've had about enough of being treated like I have the plague too.

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former member default image - bird flying away


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`go methodist or lutherin. very open.

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July 27, 2012
Posts: 4

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Ez choice.

You can pick your religion, but you can't pick your s----lity.

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