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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Pre-T

Are there any guys out there who are pre-T and struggling with patience? I know that I will be starting T in the next couple of months, but this transition isn't happening fast enough for me. AHHHHHHH!!!!! I guess I just want to talk to some guys who are going through the same thing.


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February 22, 2010
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`Hiya TJ,

I see that you posted this several months ago, but wanted to offer a couple of cents on this topic.

I waited 7 years after coming out as transgender to myself and others. I guess that for me, i needed to wait to be SURE.. I also was in a situation where getting hormones just wasn't going to easy. I was living with my folks in the DEEP South, I didn't have anyone there for support, no transgender men or women to talk to, not even anyone close to relate to me on that level.

I ended up moving to California, and I still waited a couple of years before taking hormones.. I joined some local support groups, I got to know some other transguys, I got to know MYSELF.. I am glad that I waited.. But now that I'm 8 months into HRT, I am sooooo happy to finally began seeing my outsides merging with my insides.. Looking into the mirror and seeing ME as I always thought I should look like..

Waiting is a hard time.. But you can make the best of it too..

With that said, I hope that you are enjoying your journey as well as your transition.

In Light,

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June 1, 2010
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`Pardon me for butting in but me and Mr. TJ are on the same boat;

Oh my God, 7 years, Tony? I live in the South and it sounds like exactly what I'm going through; it's frustrating not having anybody to talk to. Thank some kinda higher being for the internet. Can I ask why you came around to starting HRT, Tony? Did you just realize it's what you needed to do?

Good luck to you both,

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July 28, 2010
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`Hello TJ, I've been trying to get in to see a gender therapist for awhile now so that I could get a T letter but lack of finances and a very small town makes it hard to do that. I'm getting really impatient and frustrated about it.

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August 16, 2010
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`I'm the same way. I am so tired of waiting! Its taking a toll on my mental health. I am also getting a little frustrated because I am ready and wanting to transition but of course my therapists (who are not specialized in GID or other gender issues) think otherwise. I'm looking for a TG therapist in my area so I can finally go about getting this show on the road.

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August 15, 2010
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`I live in the south as well, about midway through FL.

And I am the same way with wanting to start my therapy. I feel at times my mental status isn't doing so good. I seem to be getting rather depressed lately knowing how far off everything is. I just finally got some money together to change my name. And so I wait to save and find a reasonably priced psychiatrist. If that even exists? xD

@transsexual boi
I am glad your about to start in a couple of months. Congrats! I hope the time moves fast for you.

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March 9, 2011
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`Try Natural transitioning, I hear it works fine. No shots and no prescriptions.
You can find out on the web what you need. Try starting here:

Good luck

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December 25, 2009
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`Hey im alexander or xander, I am pre t, wow this is a great help reading your messages, I cant wait to see a gender clinic and get hormones and start my transition to male, I hate that I have breasts and other parts. Im actually quite scared of what people may think, but my close freinds and my family accept me as male which is great.

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October 12, 2010
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`I guess its a little late answer but better late than never..

oh yeah I think there many trans people struggling with patience..
I just started T wich is really awsome ( you cant see on my pic whos taken before T)
But I find it SOOO hard to wait for my top surgery, and all these things..

I guess its only natural to be like that.. I mean since I where 12 I have been waiting for these, and now I have to wait more.. it would almost be strange if I didnt find it hard?

my only advice is to use the time.. dont waste it, but use it so much you can.
go get experience and knowlegde so you wont waste your time on that when you get it, and go enjoy yourself or learn something new to keep your focus on.

it work for me..

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Hey I need some advice. Can you please help? I always thought of myself as a guy and at the same time I'm so confused as to what to do. My councilor said something to me about it and ever since it's been on my mind and I Don't know what to do.

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February 12, 2012
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I am wondering if the transition and the pace is relative to what type of male you invision yourselves as. Average, skinny, muscle bound, or fat. Biological males struggle with this too. Btw i am not FTM as People have been inquiring.

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March 18, 2012
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`I'd like to thank you @ toddallen. The youtube helps.

I live in Arkansas, and the town i live in, isnt really too friendly about the trans. Those who found out im trans, havent been too kind. Ive been slowly going on my transition since i was 14. Im now 23. I have small breasts and can often hide them easily by double layering on shirts. I recently started packing. I found a doctor i could start hormones on, but the only problem is family keeps me so tied up, i havent been able to go and try them. Family hasnt been supportive. And the only ppl whom are, are on the net.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Hey everyone, wanted to jump in here. TJ you are nowhere near a lone with your frustrations. I am having a hell of a time trying to even get in with a counselor. I live in a small town and have no health insurance. Although I am eager to start T, I know I need to take my time. Rome wasn't built in a day my friend, and neither will your/my male body be. Im new to this site and so far it has been very helpful. Anyone wanting to talk further please message me. Lack of support around here and I sure could use a pick me up and people with some good advice. Hope everyone gets what they are looking for!!!

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