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want to learn more about drag queens/female impersonators

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April 1, 2012
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: want to learn more about drag queens/female impersonators
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Hello everyone''

we are 2 girls from norway lokking for friends that are into drag..

we got so facinated after watching rupausls drag race , and we want to learn more... hope someone will want to tell us there story , talt to us , learn us how you do youre makeup so well , get those good cloats , wonderfull hair... we want to learn everything

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Posted:     Post subject: my advice is,,,

why don't you guys search what you want in google,,or look for a drag queen tips or about drag queens on youtube,,that's all,,this is a site about trans,,not bout drags,,lol

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: my advice is,,,
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jccute wrote: why don't you guys search what you want in google,,or look for a drag queen tips or about drag queens on youtube,,that's all,,this is a site about trans,,not bout drags,,lol

We just want to make it perfectly clear that the above comment is 100% false!

As it clearly states on our homepage, Trans Passions is 'A 100% free online dating & social networking community for the transgendered community, MTF & FTM transsexuals, transvestites (TV's)/ cross-dressers (CD's), drag queens, drag kings, female impersonators, male impersonators & everyone else who loves the 'Trans' community.'

We don't appreciate members attempting to speak for the site, even if they mean well...especially if they are incorrect.

Drag Queens, Drag Kings, Drag Queen Lovers, and Drag King Lovers are ALL welcome here.

With open arms and BIG friendly HUG!



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Posted:     Post subject: just wanna clarify somethin,,

i did not say that drags are not welcome here,everyone is welcome here,even heterosexuals,,,not only homosexuals,but this site is all bout trans,,that is why the name is transpassions,,not dragpassions,,,and i am not even sure if there are drag queens here on transpassions,,,that's all,,i apologize if i mentioned google,,but guess what,,i found coz i searched it there,that is why i am here now,

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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And I would like to clarify as well...I am the webmaster...and everyone is welcome on this site (except people who are negative and/or hateful).

While the name of the site is Trans Passions, this site is just as much for crossdressers, drag queens, drag kings, crossdresser admirers, drag queen admirers and drag king admirers, as it is for everyone else.

We used Trans in the name because we felt is would help to broaden the site to include all of the Transgender / Transsexual / Transvestite community/communities.

While we could separate out each area into it's own site, we feel that the similarities in what people in these groups deal with socially makes a single site the best approach.

One of the strengths to this site is that we have active MTF areas, active FTM areas and active crossdressing and drag related areas.

We do not want anyone to feel alienated here.



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Posted:     Post subject:

`"Drag Queens" and "Drag Kings" could be anyone for any reason. The point is to look like the opposite of your birth s--. There is no mystery about that and nothing special about it. It certainly should be under "trans," though there are transsexuals who would never be drag queens or kings. All around it is a gay culture thing. That being said transsexuals who are not a part of gay culture or are not so on account of being gay (might have a physical condition and principally attracted to women) may heavily object to and reject gay stereotypes and all connection to it and for that reason you will find cliques of them who have straight cultured attitudes and approaches to their condition. On the other hand, there are transsexuals who fully embrace gay culture and use all the same terminology. Every man out there who wants to date and have significant relationships with transsexuals or transgenders has to discover these issues and decide which one he wants. So, really the only connection transsexualism has to gay culture is that some are a part of gay culture and there are many that are not. And the only place that "straight cultured non-transsexual types" want to put transsexuals is with homosexuals and the gays are quite happy to take them, even considering that there are significant numbers of transsexuals around that object to gay culture. Hopefully that makes sense.

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