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Me or this site?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Me or this site?

Hi to everyone and thank you to anyone that reads this.

I have been on this site for a little while now and have hardly chatted to anyone, Not due to lack of trying but seems like no one want's to chat, or at least chat with me lol

But I can't help but wonder if it is me with the way I come across about my self or if it's common on this site for people not to chat much!

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July 3, 2011
Posts: 1

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`You're not alone. I get the same sort of vibes from this site. I thought it was just me not being forward enough, but apparently not.

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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

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`By "chat" do you mean use of the chat-room, instant messaging or e-mail? Is your complaint that no one wants to use these or no one replies?

I don't think this site is any worse than any other site that I have tried and it is only as good as its members. The I.M. thingie is pretty clunky I have to admit; it doesn't show me the name of who is calling me or indeed the accept/deny buttons (which are blank to me).

Perhaps you are contacting the wrong type of people? I get a lot of mail from people who I am never going to meet, mainly due to distance. Some fail because of their approach, being pushy. A lot of people might be shy.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I guess that I am directing more towards chatting through e-mail as I havn't used the chat enough to comment and the same with the IM. I agree that that any site is only as good as it's users.

I have considered that the people I have contacted may not reply due to many of reasons! But for the wrong type of people, I only contact people that I like the sound of via there profile!.. I realize that my approach my not be right but then I'm pretty shy when I first get to know a girl.

I guess, ultimately i'm trying to say I thought it wouldn't be as hard to make same friends here!

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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

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`I think part of the trouble (at least from my point of view) is that the pool of likely candidates to talk to/date/whatever in Britain, let alone within reasonable traveling distance is quite small.

This is before factoring in those who for whatever reason have not been on for a long time. Perhaps abandoned or forgotten their account details or just let things lapse?

I would repeat though that this site really is no worse than any others I have tried (paid and free membership) and Mr Feedback is responsive to site suggestions and improvements.

I wish you well and good luck.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I found that people are friendly through email and other forms of communication once you say Hi. I met new friends that way from just a relatively short period of time.

However, the Chat rooms are a little spartan and the Lobby is like walking into an unattended classroom of ADD kids, all coming off their meds at the same time - lol

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May 29, 2011
Posts: 4

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`I was wondering the same thing. Just before deleting my profile here, I went to the forums and posted in the "introduce yourself" threads. That brought my first email in the two years of being here.

Trouble is, that I'm finding that the inhabitants of this site are all from overseas. I'm in the States, and wondering if site is just for others across the seas. Does anyone use this site from the States? How about Tampa Bay? I'd love to make some new in person friends.


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Its for a variety of factors, but the main reason that people don't get responses in this website is for the fact that many people are just looking for local people and will ignore people they think are too far away. Since very few quality people are local to anyone, this is obviously a problem for nearly everyone and especially for people who want local people (who probably have on average less results than someone who just shoots for the moon on distance).

The only thing that is guaranteed to get you responses is either looking physically attractive on your profile page and/or by implying in your profile description that you understand transsexual issues in some way in respects to having experience with transsexuals and transgenders in regards to having a relationship.

A helpful tip is to form relationships with the transsexuals that indicate that they are polyamorus or pansexual; they are by far the easiest to get along with. Everyone else is going to be picky is some way.

Hope that helps.

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