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Where to meet guys who are FtM?

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November 14, 2011
Posts: 6

PostPosted:     Post subject: Where to meet guys who are FtM?
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So ive pretty much always identified as a straight man, but recently ive been having lots of fun hanging out with some of my gay friends, and actually enjoy dancing with guys at the bar. But as much as i find guys attractive and sometimes actually enjoy their company more than women, ive really found im not attracted to the idea of having S-- with other men, at least to the extent that the idea that another ----- just is not a turn on at all.

Anyways im heading to NYC from DC here shortly, is there a good place i could go to meet FtM guys? I guess im really just looking for friends to start out with... im totally new to this so would rather take it slow.

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`Hey, I have to say i've never been to NYC so I cant give you specific places to go but I can give you some advice thats helped me find other ftms where I live.

when I first started transitioning I knew a lot of mtfs and only onr other ftm. I really wanted to meet others like me for friendship but partly coz i'm attracted to ftms to. I started out by going to bars and clubs, especially those that had specific nights on for mtfs and ftms. I was quite shy at the time so started exploring other avenues. I looked on the internet groups in my area and also found local trans groups. Some of the groups allowed people to bring friends along or admirers could attend to.

I'm sorry I cant give any specifics but I hope this helps

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November 14, 2011
Posts: 6

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Hey thanks for the suggestions, thats a lot better than what i had to start with, which was pretty much nothing!

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`Your wellcome, glad I can help a bit.

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October 12, 2010
Posts: 101

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`old topic, but I think one of the best ways to get in touch with ftm or generally transgender folks. is too know your stuff.

Many ftm are often unsure about how cis-gender react on them, and usunally many cis genders also tend to say some things who can turn pretty akward.
But if you got used to the point then it ways more easy to comunicate and by having greater experience on a very down on the ground point, it would also be more easy to be introduced to other transgenders. not all, but transpeople who are in the comunities then to know a couple other who also is trans, and for those people there are also those non-trans folks who just really enjoy the company.

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`I would love to meet some FTM men in New York City. I am male gendered,

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