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Pre op vs Post op?
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Pre op vs Post op?

Personally my vote is for the pre op. Idk why but its how I am so ladies that think they need an operation to find a man, trust me you don't. There are people that like you the way you are. Now other post what you feel about this :)

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June 25, 2012
Posts: 21

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`Honestly, I don't see the difference between a pre-op or post-op transsexual man or woman, outside of the s----l reassignment surgery. It pertains a part of the body that is not even visible to most of the world, or should have any greater impact on the success and progress of a transsexual individual, except for self-fulfillment within that individual.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`"Personally my vote is for the pre op."

Excuse me? Your VOTE?

By "vote" do you mean your s----l preference?

"Idk why but its how I am so ladies that think they need an operation to find a man, trust me you don't."

This might come as a shock to you, but my desire to get "the operation" (SRS) is NOT based on a calculation of how many blokes would want to shag me either way.

"There are people that like you the way you are."

There were people who fancied me as a man as well. What does that have to do with anything?

"Now other post what you feel about this "

I feel that you need to educate yourself about what a pre-operative trans woman actually is. If your concept is limited to "b--bs and a cock", then you have some work to do I'm afraid.

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October 27, 2011
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ruralts wrote: `"Personally my vote is for the pre op."

Excuse me? Your VOTE?

By "vote" do you mean your s----l preference?

"Idk why but its how I am so ladies that think they need an operation to find a man, trust me you don't."

This might come as a shock to you, but my desire to get "the operation" (SRS) is NOT based on a calculation of how many blokes would want to shag me either way.

"There are people that like you the way you are."

There were people who fancied me as a man as well. What does that have to do with anything?

"Now other post what you feel about this "

I feel that you need to educate yourself about what a pre-operative trans woman actually is. If your concept is limited to "b--bs and a c*ck", then you have some work to do I'm afraid.

Of course there are men who prefer pre-op because they like that "best of both worlds" experience and can justify their closeted homosexuality or bisexuality by saying "it looked like a woman". I would say that having GRS/SRS certainly doesn't guarantee men will be queuing up at the door. Likely the reverse would be true.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:


Of course there are men who prefer pre-op because they like that "best of both worlds" experience and can justify their closeted homosexuality or bisexuality by saying "it looked like a woman". I would say that having GRS/SRS certainly doesn't guarantee men will be queuing up at the door. Likely the reverse would be true.

Indeed. I'd be attracting very occasional interest from straight men or butch lesbians in the real world as opposed to hundreds of gay/bisexual men on the internet. :lol:

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June 25, 2012
Posts: 21

PostPosted:     Post subject: Indeed. I'd be attracting very occasional interest from st
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Indeed. I'd be attracting very occasional interest from straight men or butch lesbians in the real world as opposed to hundreds of gay/bisexual men on the internet.

Yeah in reality that's the catch-22. As a pansexual transwoman who fancies the attention from women, genderqueer, other transsexuals (MTF, FTM) and even men. Most people who solicit me for a modest relationship or ... I'll be blunt and say s----l favors (or s----l relationship) are almost always closeted bi-sexual/gay men or men who identify as straight. For the most part (99.999999999%) of gay men and bi s----l men who lean towards attraction to men, rarely find me attractive in a romantic/sexual sense. Sometimes, I will have an occasional women interested, but the transsexual thing is typically too much for them too handle, often from gross stereotypes or it's not something they can be comfortable with.

Oftentimes with family, friends, co-workers, net users, strangers, and those infamous "transsexual chasers," they assume alot of things about a person who is a MtF transsexual.

1. They "LOVE" MEN to death, and especially have an insatiable craving for d---.

1A. All transwomen used to be gay men who couldn't accept themselves as being a man who loves men and really want their attention.

Sometimes, it gets under my skin, like it would other transwomen. I never really dabbled or experienced anything with men, se---lly or romantically until I was living as transwoman. It really didn't change my outlook about men. It opened the possibility that I could enjoy a male romantic companion, but I'm not addicted to c--- or desire to throw myself at any man that will have me.

2. You were ED OR s----l ASSAULTED as a child. I really hate that one. You've been victimized (or want to be a victim of sorts).

3. I really enjoyed drag that I wanted to be a full-time woman. I've never done drag in my life. It might be fun, but I've never done.

4. I hate when people try to explain what I am, when that person is not an expert, educated about, or qualified to speak on LGBT issues or matters involving trans people. I typically like to say, are all women you encounter the same? Are all men the same?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Re: Pre op vs Post op?

curious93 wrote: Personally my vote is for the pre op. Idk why but its how I am so ladies that think they need an operation to find a man, trust me you don't. There are people that like you the way you are. Now other post what you feel about this

What i see when i read posts/chatroom messages like this: "I am a dumbass"
Which is usually the reason i immediately block/ignore a person that writes crap like that.
And the world is a much brighter place. :D

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Keira, you ROCK!!!!! I feel the same way. :-)

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November 14, 2012
Posts: 3

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`Bottom line, if you are comfortable with your change than it should not matter who is attracted to you, let the right man/woman find you or keep looking be patient :3 and i agree with above 2 posts, i say screw everyones opinion of happy and thats all that shoyld ever matter and btw im a mtf pre op i feel as though i was never comfortable with what i saw in the mirror, so ill take steps to change that, that doesnt change that im attracted to women one bit so no, 99.9999% of tg men are not gay..sterotypes hurt everyone

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July 28, 2012
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`Didn't realize we got to "vote" on what others choose to do with their bodies/life. Personally i'll date GG & TG (Pre or Post) because i really could care less about that. If i'm attracted physically & mentally to someone everything else is just falls under details. No matter what your gender condition it should always be the PERSON you're attracted to. Everyone puts way too much emphasis on the whole pre/post-op paradigm. If you're that tied up in genitals just watch the plethora of smut readily availble and leave people's feelings alone until you're sure what you want. That's just my take for whatever it's worth.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

swtor1977 wrote: "If i'm attracted physically & mentally to someone everything else is just falls under details".

Thank you, swtor, the most insightful comment in this discussion so far.

Marianne xx
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January 13, 2013
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`'pre op vs post op'

Sounds like a title for a post comparing two cars, there should be no comparison of a persons physical appearance to justify 'what is best'
These are people remember... just like me.

Don't mean to jump on the band wagon against this guy but he kinda stood into the firing line!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`There are always going to be guys who prefer pre-op - they like -----es. There isn't anything wrong with that in my opinion. What is wrong is the objectification of those of us who are pre-op.

I think what is most frustrating is to hear a guy try to tell "the girls I talked to aren't happy with the surgery" (everyone I know feels absolutely wonderful being post-op), or "you're beautiful just the way you are" (yes, I am. but I also want to correct my birth defect). My opinion is that these are the guys who want a girl with a -----, not a girl with a sense of wholeness or happiness.

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November 24, 2012
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`I think there's a level of interest in pre-op transsexual women that foretells of a hidden s----lity conflict.

I don't necessarily need SRS. I never thought I would. The more I proceed with transition the more it seems right. So I sure as hell want it. But I've let myself focus on my social transition and outward appearance before I've worried about that.

I for sure wouldn't do it so I could do it "to get a man."

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September 9, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: If I could choose only
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I like both pre and post but if I had to choose only one I would pick post-op :D

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