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When & If to tell someone you're trans
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May 9, 2012
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PostPosted:     Post subject: When I was told
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The first time i dated a transsexual (sorry bad at terms) She actually was very nice to me a couple times before I ever knew. She told me right before we were about to both have s--. I didn't mind but thats after we saw each other a few times and I liked her. It was a great experience. I dont think i would of if told right away.

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Posted:     Post subject:

If I am just casually talking with someone, I dont mention that I am a ts. However, I would never go out on a date with someone without telling them. I personally feel that it would be somewhat selfish on my part not to be upfront about the matter.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I tell them when it looks like they are seriously interested.
And even then i start with "Maybe we should just be friends because i might not totally be your type" looking at them knowingly.
Often they start to rant on about how nice you are, and look, and that you are most definitely their type, in which case you can come out with the hard truth.
I feel it softens the blow for both sides a bit.
Just my 2 cts.

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October 22, 2012
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`I happen to disagree with the post above to an extent. For those of us who may be apparently passable, I don't think you should beat around the bush (pun intended).

Men like excitement and in today's world, you never know what a man is into. Therefore, once you get to know one another, go on a date or such, tell him in away that is exciting and new. Don't be drab or as if dropping a bomb or bad news - that's what scares guys away in the first place.

Luckily for me, my boyfriend knew what he was getting into when he met me, but had he not, I would have revealed my little secret through an exciting and feminine means in order to assure him in his own mind that this is something he definitely would like to try.

Yeah, you'll still get rejections, but only those you would have received anyway.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`My first experience was a surprise but i tend to agree with Brittney if she had told me I would probably wouldn't have dated her.

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October 22, 2012
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`Is that an insult? LOL

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Posted:     Post subject: maybe a better way???

I know several women quite well some are post some are pre and several I have known both as pre-ops who are now post. We were at a party one night a group of us at the kitchen table and talking about this about if when and how to tell a guy. Two women were post who live totally sheath in their lives one was an out at work post-op and three were pre-op all sheath in their daily lives. Doesn’t seem any easier for a post girl to tell a guy than a pre-op and the results are usually about the same tell and it’s over.
One of the things we talked about was like hey your talking to the guy getting to know each other use the time wisely find a way to bring up the subject of trans people use the news or anything you can think of to bring it up. Pay close attention to how they react to the subject, what they say or don’t say, body language you can get a very good idea of their attitudes and openness that way.
Since we talked about this the women have tried it if the guy responds poorly they don’t have to bother telling him cause it’s not going to be good anyway and they can just move on. If the guy responds in a manner that is open minded and a bit more understanding then they can feel comfortable getting better acquainted and telling him more. So far it’s worked very well and one of the girls has found a BF like that

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`I think that you should not tell until about the third date. It gives them time to get to know who you are before you get into the whole bit on what you are.

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Posted:     Post subject:

As far as post-ops are concerned, most men would never react badly to to a post-op outing herself. But then again, if a man thinks he has a -------- relationship with any woman he won't react then either. Personally I think that a post-op shouldn't tell a man unless she expects his relatives to also react to the news and only if it is going to be positive. Otherwise, I wouldn't say jack. I guess it's even harder for some pre-ops to admit for the same reason. That's just my opinion though.

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