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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Do we have the bible to thank?
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adoni wrote: 27May2013
Seems to me that this Paris "Anti-Gay" riot is an(other) example of the all-pervasive
Stone-Age/Medieval "sex-based" contextualizing everything on someone's S-- ...

If you will allow me to help you? That link took me to the German "Yahoo!" news site. As I can't read German I looked on the BBC News site to see if I could find this item. It's always good to have a variety of news sources anyway, don't you agree?

I can't disagree with your points either, and I would add that not only are they outdated (perhaps Bronze Age rather than Stone Age, but we don't need to argue that point), but also the region of the world where The Big Three originated: The Middle East. As we know this is a region of peace, forward thinking and stability and always has been.

Sorry, I am British and I do irony!

Another ironic thing which makes me smile to myself is when someone claims to be a good American or a British patriot or whatever (and we know what is coming next?) and "this is a Christian country". Tell them that St George was Middle Eastern, possibly black, popular also with Jews and Muslims, I wonder what the reaction would be then? Hell, he would be the patron saint of multiculturalism!

But back on topic, it seems that the last battleground for these people is in the bedroom, and of course it's not their own bedrooms in which they are waging this war. As usual it is other people's.

They seem remarkably concerned about what other people are getting up to and they spend so much time and energy on this topic, it is a wonder that they actually have any time to live their own lives?

adoni wrote: People are not their (genetic) S-- (male therefore "man" / female therefore "woman")
any more than people are their race or religion ...*

I had to re-read this.

I think you are saying that to define one aspect of a person is to make them one-dimentional, ignoring their thoughts and personality and other aspects of their life. Is that what you meant?

adoni wrote: People have a -
- genetic S-- (XX, XY or InterSexed) -
which does NOTHING more than specify what one's reproductive role will/would be ...

Well thankfully I missed that part out of my existance. Clearly I have no reproductive role and so I find myself (thankfully) in a genetic cul-de-sac.

adoni wrote: - gender identity - gender is not a more polite word for (genetic) S-- ...
- s----l orientation - which is separate & unique from the preceding 2 items ...

Hmm, OK that link returned a 404 but either way I am guessing, but I don't want to get into the realms of "gender politics" and the Nature v Nurture debate (hanging myself from a tree suddenly becomes desirable).

adoni wrote: Mr/Mrs/Sir/Madam/he/she/him/her/Gay/Bi/Lesbian/Hetero ...
everything in our "modern" 21st Century world is contextualized on someone's S-- ...

Well it goes back much further of course, but I think the point you make is that it is still here and that some of the words used to describe us come from other people as a way to put a neat little tag on someone?

Many years ago when I had the misfortune of having a job where I had contact with the public, I found it easy to be polite without any reference to what S-- I perceived the person to be (and it wasn't always obvious of course). Sir/Madam is so last century.

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January 5, 2005
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Just a quick update to let people following this thread know that we have edited the links within the posts.

The URL structure of the links was broken due to a small mistake made when the links were created.

We just removed the extra characters and the links now point to the pages they were meant to point to.

FYI...linking in the forum area is not something we allow (generally), as we do not want people to begin to try and use the forum area as a way to spam, or as a way to promote personal projects.

That being said, we don't mind (in some cases) when links are added to help provide information related to the post.



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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Do we have the bible to thank?
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adoni wrote: 29May2013
allĂ´ ... I've decided to ramble/prattle on below ...
(maybe because I joined WritersPassions ...)
unfortunately what I "say" will never be as complete as I'd like ...

Feel free to ramble away. Apologies for my own little diversions. Still, in the interests of getting back to the topic at hand, we all know there is a scripture for every occasion and that people who want to impose their own world view or morality (however twisted) will seek to use passages from the Bible to back up their claims or position as though this lends gravity to their argument.

In my opinion it is the device used by people who have already lost the argument and are unable to give logical reasons or substantiate their claims.

It is rather odd (at the risk of repeating myself) that opponents of gay marriage are unlikely to be affected by this, at least not directly.

I do think there is too much effort put into trying not to offend various religious pressure groups who seem completely obsessed with other people's domestic arrangements and whose existence relies entirely upon lobbying to deny equal rights for other citizens, while crying "foul!" like an overpaid footballer taking a dive, should criticism be directed towards them.


Answers to questions:

a1oenesome wrote:
Well thankfully I missed that part out of my existence.
adoni wrote: It is not important, but I can only guess what this is supposed to mean?

I was having a little joke with myself with regard to your comment about one's (expected) reproductive role and how I had not fulfilled mine by not contributing to the burgeoning global population. I also realize that not everyone understands my sense of humour.

And no, it is not important really. I was just trying to lighten the mood.


adoni wrote: I wonder why you (a1oenesome) don't/won't use a picture in this network?

I have tried to answer this briefly in my profile. I could expand on this but it probably doesn't belong in this discussion.

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July 23, 2012
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`Interesting topic! How do I get my own blog started? Adonde me voy??

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January 5, 2005
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To create your own blog, click the My Blog link in the Account area.

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