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do transmen date T-girls??

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May 17, 2010
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hey there i am a mid something 20's transexual living in brisbane australia im basically just putting the word out there i would love to chat with F2M transmen around my local area it doesn't have to be anything of a dirty nature even though i would like one for a relationship just a chat and get to know people as i am finding it hard to even find one in real life i don't really know where to start..........

my question to people is: do F2M ever date M2F transexuals?

i would love to get your feed back and replies thanks guys

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September 9, 2008
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`i think they do. i mean i don't see why not.

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`Well, I have a hard time seeing why not, unless they were gay (which, then - a desire to also date T-girls would be an insult).

Looking for a partner, I would prefer the guy to be a FTM simply due to the fact that they get the whole trans thing. I don't have to explain it to them or worry that somehow, they'll stop loving me because the trans thing is too hard a thing to handle. However, you should always look for the partner that harmonizes with you and if a bioguy harmonizes better with you than a FTM does, go with the bioguy (and vice versa).

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May 1, 2012
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i am mtf. that means i like to be in female clothes and female role. i am waiting for a bf (ftm). he can treat me as a real girl.

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May 22, 2012
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`Ftm's are usually really sweet and loving , im sure they do :)

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June 23, 2012
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`I didn't realize there would be so much competition... I'm going to need serious beautification!

It would put me off a lot if they saw themselves as completely gay, and me as a man. They'd have to be at least bi, but preferably straight.

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October 12, 2010
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`im ftm and I had been interesteed or "kinda dating" mtf's (I dont really call it dates but there bacically the same)

for me it depends alot on the person. as well.

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August 8, 2012
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`I'm a FtM. *inserts 2 cents*

I would adore being able to find a MtF, sweep her off her feet and take her out on a date. :3

I do suppose that it does depend on the person, but the few in my area would, if she would accept him for who he is, not what he looks like.

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March 26, 2013
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`Interesting post. I think FTM trans have the same sensibility as MTF trans. They understand and empathize with each other.

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March 26, 2013
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`Interesting post. I think FTM trans have the same sensibility as MTF trans. They understand and empathize with each other.

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May 29, 2011
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`The few FtM's that I know from my group discussions here in the bay area who date, tend to go out with each other. Not that they are not sweet and empathetic. I liked their energy ~ kind, motivated, conversational, and politically active men. But I got the feeling that they are not attracted to me or don't seek MtF's. I probably would have asked.

One time, my doctor arranged a dinner soire' for the group of MtF's, and the FtM's. The dynamic was *very* interesting to say the least. The MtF's were lined up on one side of the room waiting to be asked to dance by an FtM, but the FtM's were shy and seemed inhibited from finding the courage to ask us to dance. So we all sat there and stole glances at each other. We FtM's thought we were supposed to wait for a guy to ask us to dance.

Finally my gf and I went over to their table and opened a conversation with two of them who seemed nice. We chatted and enjoyed the conversation and the interesting temperament of the evening. After a while it became apparent that they had never been accustomed to asking anyone to that's where it all got stuck, lol.

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