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And it begins....

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: And it begins....

Ok, here the proper place. Well so like I said copy posting listings, clippings, and outside sources should be discouraged if done multiple times. It's like chain letters and I think is discouraging to people who are actually holding a thread of conversation on a particular topic. I know personally I have had a hard time instructing people on how to even participate in the blogs and now I know that individuals that do participate sign in and view the recent activity on their home page to see if the active thread is still being discussed. When multiple postings of random lists on like seventeen magazines most popular ways to catch a mans attention. Or thirty ways for you to remain hairless without chemicals, or fifty things that strange old men said to me while I was having my bikini waxed with ucalyptus leaf oil and muskrat hormone.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm not directly attacking anyone. I personally am a little frustrated because like I said there are current threads being discussed with active members that are participating in stead of being needy for attention and posting things that are copied from outside sources. I mean no one can sit here and tell me that when they live in another country that the know 10 obnoxious laws that might be broken while living in Florida. And it's not the first time, this was starting up on the previous account that this individual held. I know of one person now who no longer participates in the site forums now specifically for these reasons. Having to filter through a bunch of random crap to find threads that are actually benificial to the community and not just posted for attention and self image so wrecklessly.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`you said you are a moderator of this site but you are accusing of plagiarism in which ,i am a transgender which is free to express my own views and smart enough to share my own experiences in which can be helpful to every transgenders like me,i am an advocate of transgender empowerment and you are underestimating member's like me to express my own feelings,we should respect other member's post and opinions and experiences,and not accused others for doing things without evidence,your accusations is a form of degrading and transgender non verbal discrimination,thank you,

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: And it begins....
Reply with quote
steelers4thewin wrote: Ok, here the proper place. Well so like I said copy posting listings, clippings, and outside sources should be discouraged if done multiple times. It's like chain letters and I think is discouraging to people who are actually holding a thread of conversation on a particular topic. I know personally I have had a hard time instructing people on how to even participate in the blogs and now I know that individuals that do participate sign in and view the recent activity on their home page to see if the active thread is still being discussed. When multiple postings of random lists on like seventeen magazines most popular ways to catch a mans attention. Or thirty ways for you to remain hairless without chemicals, or fifty things that strange old men said to me while I was having my bikini waxed with ucalyptus leaf oil and muskrat hormone.

For obvious reasons, plagiarism is not allowed within the forum or blog area. If any member feels that another member has plagiarized content from another site, please use the Contact Us link in the HELP area to send us a link to the location where the content originated...and use the REPORT button wtihin the forum area.

While members are allowed 'fair use', which means a small amount of content can be copied and posted (provided they reference where it is coming from), blatant plagiarism without reference is grounds for account deletion.

Separately, we would also point out that posting a public comment suspecting plagiarism is not a good way to make friends.

Independent of the plagiarism issue, we do not want to place a limit on forum posts at the moment, but we may consider it now that we are seeing what amounts to single post commentaries where a member just posts some comment, and then creates a new thread to post another single post commentary.

The forum IS meant for members to communicate with one another, and it is not meant as a way for a single member to post 100 single comment threads just to show up more prominently within the forum and/or on the Community page.


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

pulchritudinous wrote: `you said you are a moderator of this site but you are accusing of plagiarism in which ,i am a transgender which is free to express my own views and smart enough to share my own experiences in which can be helpful to every transgenders like me,i am an advocate of transgender empowerment and you are underestimating member's like me to express my own feelings,we should respect other member's post and opinions and experiences,and not accused others for doing things without evidence,your accusations is a form of degrading and transgender non verbal discrimination,thank you,

No idea what your trying to say, let's let the real moderator do his job so kindly STFU. Thank you have a pleasant life.
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`accusation without evidence is a form of discrimination especially as a transgender.thank you and i am happy for everyone and i hope we should not deprive anyone from expressing their own opinions,peace to everyone.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`i don't post everyday but i do post some topics once i have time to go online on here,

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Re: And it begins....

feedback wrote: steelers4thewin wrote: Ok, here the proper place. Well so like I said copy posting listings, clippings, and outside sources should be discouraged if done multiple times. It's like chain letters and I think is discouraging to people who are actually holding a thread of conversation on a particular topic. I know personally I have had a hard time instructing people on how to even participate in the blogs and now I know that individuals that do participate sign in and view the recent activity on their home page to see if the active thread is still being discussed. When multiple postings of random lists on like seventeen magazines most popular ways to catch a mans attention. Or thirty ways for you to remain hairless without chemicals, or fifty things that strange old men said to me while I was having my bikini waxed with ucalyptus leaf oil and muskrat hormone.

For obvious reasons, plagiarism is not allowed within the forum or blog area. If any member feels that another member has plagiarized content from another site, please use the Contact Us link in the HELP area to send us a link to the location where the content originated...and use the REPORT button wtihin the forum area.

While members are allowed 'fair use', which means a small amount of content can be copied and posted (provided they reference where it is coming from), blatant plagiarism without reference is grounds for account deletion.

Separately, we would also point out that posting a public comment suspecting plagiarism is not a good way to make friends.

Independent of the plagiarism issue, we do not want to place a limit on forum posts at the moment, but we may consider it now that we are seeing what amounts to single post commentaries where a member just posts some comment, and then creates a new thread to post another single post commentary.

The forum IS meant for members to communicate with one another, and it is not meant as a way for a single member to post 100 single comment threads just to show up more prominently within the forum and/or on the Community page.



Ok sound great, I removed my comment from her page. Well how about this from now on if I see something that looks like it came from an outside source I will report it through the proper channel along with the link for the outside source.
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`exactly,we should have evidence,before we accused someone,coz we are depriving them from expressing their own point of views and experiences,we should respect others opinions,thank you and peace out!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:


There you are Mrs. JC Cute, there is your evidence, have a good week, won't be around for awhile I hope you find the attention your looking for.

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