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Joined: September 25, 2011
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Posted: Post subject: Curious about real people |
I'm new to this site, but I'm finding in most profiles that I encounter unrealistic stats. To many M2F's are 5'3" to 5'4" Average height is 5'10" unless your from Bahrain, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, or Vietnam. In my entire 34 years of life I have only met a handful of those born Male who are shorter than me, I am 5'7". Ruffly of those born Male in the U.S. only 135,000 of ruffly 100,000,000 who were born Male are under 5'5". It seems on this site ruffly 75% of M2F are in that rare height range. The chances are really not that possible. It doesn't make sense to me, and makes me doubt the validity of many of the members here.
Also I have noticed that many members who are pre-op have listed that they make more than 25,000 to 100,000$ a year with no more than a high school education, yet they want someone to pay for their surgeries. I know surgeries are expensive but the average American income is what they bring in, I know if I was in the ballpark range I'd have no problem affording the surgeries in a year or two, which is shorter than the waiting lists, which are able to be secured for a small percentage. However The average income for someone with just a High School Education is 18,990$ to 22,718$ which means that probably 98% of those who claim High School Grad no college should be under 25,000$ a year.
The reason I bring this up isn't as much about why there are obvious facts in profiles that don't equal up, but the fact that if anyone really wants to find and meet someone to spend a life with then Honesty is very important. Although no good statistics exist on the percentage of failed relationships where one lies about themselves isn't really recorded, it is believed that about 75% of relationships where lies have been told end in disaster according to some magazines, the percentages change from year to year but have been covered in Glamour, Vogue, Cosmo and other Magazines over the years.
Anyway, just wanted to say to all be careful with who you meet here, the percentage of con-artists and scammers on Dating sites is around 60%. Here's hoping to meet some real people.
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Posted: Post subject: |
`At last someone else has noticed! The sad fact is this site and others like it are full of fakes and its the fakes that get the attention from the males whilst genuine people get overlooked . The people you refere to in both of your posts are not here for a date they are here for attention and use false stats false images and even the occasional image of a genetic female.
Personaly i don't think i will find anyone on here or any other site i join i am proberbly more likely to just come across them in my day to day life , i do meet a lot of people every week and do get offers but i know they are married or seeing someone else and i am not going there.
I want nothing from any other person in the way of money or expensive items i am very capable of providing for myself , i actualy give money away on a regular basis because it realy means nothing to me but i know it puts a smile on the faces of people truely in need .
As for the education part! I was removed from school at tha age of 12 because of my s----lity and all i learned was the basics of reading and writing and to this day still make mistakes but i made a success of my life and am far more successful than others i know who i was at school with so education does not mean you will do well in life all of the time.
All i want from any partner is honesty loyalty and trust followed by love but i seem to be asking to much so i still say i will most likely die alone and if i do then thats the way it will be but i am happy with life in most ways but i still go to bed alone at night and wake up alone every morning and have done for over 6 years now.
I don't think i am asking for to much because what i want costs nothing so maybe i'm just to honest or just to ugly but one way or another whilst the others on here are paying attention to people who look like they belong on the cover of Vogue people like myself will always be on the side line .
Interesting post .All the best Julia.
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Joined: September 28, 2011
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`One of the worst things about the net is how easy it is for people to lie and get away with it. I plan on trying on here, elsewhere online and in real life. Good thing about moving closer to L.A. is I'll be able to know for sure I'm talking to a real person since they'll be in front of me at a t-girl night.
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Joined: September 28, 2011
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`One of the worst things about the net is how easy it is for people to lie and get away with it. I plan on trying on here, elsewhere online and in real life. Good thing about moving closer to L.A. is I'll be able to know for sure I'm talking to a real person since they'll be in front of me at a t-girl night.
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Joined: August 19, 2011
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It's quite strange reading this, especially as my height (5ft4) is listed and so in a way i am reading that i can't be that short.
That said i am very aware that some people are less than honourable and will be looking to get money out of people. This is very sad but happens to various groups not just male admirers.
I suppose you have to take other factors into consideration. I would be very cautious of someone asking for money for their surgery or money in general. I may be prudish when it comes to this but i would find that very odd and really quite inapropriate behaviour.
I wouldn't dream of asking and if it were offered by anyone other than a long term established partner i'd feel unable to accept it.
Anyway, i suppose the point i'm trying to make is yes, there are white transwomen around who are 5ft4 though i admit we are far from the norm.
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Joined: December 20, 2010
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I'm 6'7" tall, so most everyone is shorter than me ... this may be why I hadn't really noticed this height thing. It is unfortunate that there are women primarily interested in money, or fake ads primarily interested in getting your personal information; but, as chloedharma points out, this happens all over. The way I deal with profiles on dating sites - be it this one or one of the others to which I am a member - is that if I read something that doesn't clearly fit, I assume it's a fake ad. If someone is hinting that they're interested in money - "generous men," "help me through my transition," etc... - I don't contact them... and if they contact me, I ignore them.
Most recently, on another transgender dating site, I had a transgender woman contact me whose profile stated she was a lesbian... looking for a man to date - worthy of a question, I thought. I responded with a question about it... she ignored that question and asked me to write her at her personal email address to exchange photos. Major red flags... I blocked her.
This nonsense of fake profiles and people looking to have their surgery paid for or just to be taken care of financially is frustrating for all those on the site who are legitimately looking for someone. Unfortunately, there's little to be done except to report those profiles that are fake or appear to be escorts.
However, I don't think the "everyone is too short" or "everyone is too pretty" arguments are legitimate ones.
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`Just because a ts says she is short doesnt' mean she is lying. I am sure there are some who do lie about ther height....but that doesnt mean we all do.
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Joined: July 31, 2011
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`"Curious about real people"
More of the comments here are pointed out Transgenders as posers, but what about guys?
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Joined: December 20, 2010
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reigh wrote: `"Curious about real people"
More of the comments here are pointed out Transgenders as posers, but what about guys?
Fair enough. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who lie about themselves in their profile. Have you had some experience with guys who are lying on their profile?
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Joined: August 19, 2011
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phellum wrote: reigh wrote: `"Curious about real people"
More of the comments here are pointed out Transgenders as posers, but what about guys?
Fair enough. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who lie about themselves in their profile. Have you had some experience with guys who are lying on their profile?
I've not used this site much so i can't comment specifically about here. On another trans site i go on there are so many male admirers lying that i take most of what they say with a very large pinch of salt.
Not all obviously and there are many wonderful lovely men, some of whom have become very close friends of mine.
Unfortunately though lying is very common among all groups of people.
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`I don't really know about a person until I talk to them. these profiles on here mean very little to me. I simply use them as a baseline for conversation. I went through a horibble separation, that turned into very liberating divorce procedings, and as a result I am broke as a joke. I work very hard for the few things I have, and I am slowly getting all of my stuff back. So yeah, I am not looking for someone to take care of financially. But even bearing that in mind, I still have been finding it very hard to find someone who actually wants what they say they want... someone to share a lasting, loving relationship. I either get the freak who just wants a roll in the hay (and yes, even bing a man, I do not find that appealing), or I get the one that wants to move in three days after meeting me. I will admit, I am a bit old fashioned. But I believe that you should actually get to know someone for at LEAST a couple of months, before getting into anything serious. WTF? When did people in this country get so morally lost? I was in the same relationship for 14 years, but am I that far out of the loop? do women not want a gentleman anymore? Or have so many men turned into major eh holes, that no woman can trust anyone for fear of losing their heart? Girls, us sesitive gentlman types are still out there, but you want to run straight for the guy who seems strong, but is really insecure, and a bit overcompensating. I don't know, mabe I'm just going senile. Am I?
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Joined: July 31, 2011
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phellum wrote: reigh wrote: `"Curious about real people"
More of the comments here are pointed out Transgenders as posers, but what about guys?
Fair enough. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who lie about themselves in their profile. Have you had some experience with guys who are lying on their profile?
Of coure I had, several times. Especially that I prefer a westerner because most people from west are open minded than any other race. Unfortunately most of guys that admire me doesn't travel. Typically, guys that scam girls or transgenders think they're just S-- objects. Most of guys says on their profile that they're looking for serious relationship, but they only want some cyber s--. This is why I made a clear statement on my profile about what I need for someone. But still, some of them dont care what they have read on my profile.
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Joined: December 20, 2010
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reigh wrote: Of coure I had, several times. Especially that I prefer a westerner because most people from west are open minded than any other race. Unfortunately most of guys that admire me doesn't travel. Typically, guys that scam girls or transgenders think they're just S-- objects. Most of guys says on their profile that they're looking for serious relationship, but they only want some cyber s--. This is why I made a clear statement on my profile about what I need for someone. But still, some of them dont care what they have read on my profile.
Yes, it's true... many men are obnoxious that way - believe me, it's not exclusive to their interaction with transgender women.
Yeah, the travel issue is unfortunate. There are some very interesting attractive women on this site from other countries, yourself included, that I certainly could find myself romantically interested in... but, a real relationship just isn't feasible over that big a distance. I've done the long distance thing before and it's never worked out for me. And, I'm certainly not interested in cyber s--. So, with those women, all it can really be is a friendship with hopefully, some pleasant chats like this one online.
But, I understand how frustrating that must be for you. All I can say is that it's equally frustrating for guys like me. :)
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Joined: July 31, 2011
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phellum wrote: reigh wrote: Of coure I had, several times. Especially that I prefer a westerner because most people from west are open minded than any other race. Unfortunately most of guys that admire me doesn't travel. Typically, guys that scam girls or transgenders think they're just S-- objects. Most of guys says on their profile that they're looking for serious relationship, but they only want some cyber s--. This is why I made a clear statement on my profile about what I need for someone. But still, some of them dont care what they have read on my profile.
Yes, it's true... many men are obnoxious that way - believe me, it's not exclusive to their interaction with transgender women.
Yeah, the travel issue is unfortunate. There are some very interesting attractive women on this site from other countries, yourself included, that I certainly could find myself romantically interested in... but, a real relationship just isn't feasible over that big a distance. I've done the long distance thing before and it's never worked out for me. And, I'm certainly not interested in cyber s--. So, with those women, all it can really be is a friendship with hopefully, some pleasant chats like this one online.
But, I understand how frustrating that must be for you. All I can say is that it's equally frustrating for guys like me.
In addition, even though I'm willing to be relocated, even though a guy can help me support my travel expenses, getting visa here is tedious and will take long. Transgenders applying visa must act and appear as male upon going to embassy for assessment and interview, otherwise application will be denied.
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Joined: December 20, 2010
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reigh wrote: In addition, even though I'm willing to be relocated, even though a guy can help me support my travel expenses, getting visa here is tedious and will take long. Transgenders applying visa must act and appear as male upon going to embassy for assessment and interview, otherwise application will be denied.
I understand. That does suck. Some people have that problem here in the US regarding official documents... depends on which state the person lives in.
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