Posted: Post subject: Get this forum going . |
I think i can safely say that this forum has been- shall we say 'a bit dead'. Now that the person who made other members leave the site or other members feel unable to comment through fear of attack from that person has gone lets get this going again 'shes gone'.
I have not been here long and i was going to leave but that person in a way is the reason i am still here 'she messed with the wrong person' so maybe i will hang around now but to try to make your lives easier not as she did to make it harder .
I have a lifetimes experience and most of the answers but i will only join in if needs be IE: knowone answers , some questions may seem trivial to some but to that person it maybe a real problem and small problems can turn into big ones and if we all share those problems it can make a lot of difference to someone who is a bit lost on thier journey.
I have just noticed an answer in forums to a question that was posted in 2008 , the member who posted the question has long since gone so they never got the answer , well she did but its a bit late answering her again now , its taken 3 years to get a reply and shes gone anyway.
We can be here for each other that is what a forum is for and if it was that ex member stopping you from posting then now you can feel safe to start a topic that means something to you without fear of ridicule or attack .
This is a safer place now so look upon the members she forced off this site as soldiers who never returned home! hopefully they will return one day , she made some realy nice people feel like dirt and they were not 'they were good people' who never deserved what she done to them .
I am nothing special but as it says in my profile 'i will not allow anyone to put me down' and you should never allow anyone to put you down , you are you simple as .
Julia .