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Is this site dead?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Is this site dead?

I must admit, I've only been here for about 1 1/2 days. But from what I've seen in that short time, this site feels to be pretty abandon. I see a lot of people with inactive profiles and very old forum posts in the forums. At first I thought "maybe its just me", but recently I've came across a post by Shanegerous (he's also inactive now), that was posted 4 YEARS AGO!! Saying the exact same things as me. Oh well, I'm going to give it a solid month first to see if things pick-up. If not, it's on to the next one.

P.S I hope I didn't come off as ranting, just saying how I felt. It's a good site with a lot of potential.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject:
Reply with quote
Welcome to Trans Passions!

Our site is over 10 years old, so there are a lot of old Forum threads and former members.

That being said, Trans Passions is one of the more popular sites within Passions Network's network of over 250+ niche online dating & social networking sites, and it has a large number of new members signing up daily (and existing members logging back in daily...even after prolonged absences).

The forum area is not as active as it could be, but that tends to be the case on many sites (that are not exclusively 'forum' type sites).

We encourage members to post in the forum, and to post blogs, and to add videos, and to add books, and to add favorite websites, etc.

Basically, there are A LOT of features available to members of Trans Passions (for free), and many members enjoy the site on a daily basis.

We are working on a complete overhaul/re-design of the entire network that will make all our sites (including Trans Passions) more mobile/tablet friendly...and we suspect this will help increase activity even more.

This is a VERY large project though, especially considering that it involves 10 years of programming code/hard coded design elements.

We expect this project to take a minimum of 6-12 months, but it is already underway, and we are making progress.

Once we have a better sense of the potential 'end date' for the project, we'll announce it on our Facebook page.

Until then, we hope you enjoy the existing network.

Hopefully you will at least make some new friends here.

Have fun,


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`First, I would just like to say thank you for replying. I thought I was alone for a second, lol. After reading your response, I feel more hopeful that things will pick-up if I give it more time. I will also take your advice and take more advantage of the features we have here. I'm happy to hear about the plans to make this website better. It should really help with bringing old and new members back. I'll stick around for now, and hopefully I will make friends lol

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Day 5: As I continue to search for life on TP, my search isn't going well. I'm afraid I might be the only one left. My optimism of finding signs of life is starting to diminish. I'm almost out of supplies and very low on water. I'm starting to hear , and see things moving in the shadows. I'm not sure what it is. I will continue to report on my findings, and my condition every few days. Stay tuned!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`A little creative story telling of my time here lol.

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