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My Close Call With Death, The Big Mistakes I Made

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: My Close Call With Death, The Big Mistakes I Made

Gender Identity Disorder is a very serious subject,I was Diagnosed a trans woman in 2000 but I knew this my whole life. I tried to live as a man and it just tore me apart inside,hiding my true gender to please everyone, family, friends and not myself. I was off and on hormones for years because I wanted to put up a mask. My stress built up so severe I had a heart attack that lasted for 2hrs Wen I got to the hospital a priest came to me for last rights,I refused, told him I was walking out of here,he just smiled and took my hand,when I walked out of the hospital my doc told me the fact I had such a very strong heart I lived, most people would of passed. That was my wake up call, now I am taking care of myself and on hormones full time,my heart is getting back to normal and now I am happy.Please understand do what has to be done don't put it off. My doc told me I almost died with a broken heart, I cried my eyes out.
Yours Truly

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Taking hormones after a heart attack is extremely dangerous so i hope someone is monitoring you! and if you are self medicating then be prepared to end up back in hospital . I find it strange that a doctor would give you hormones after what has hapened to you and you stating on your profile you have a high S-- drive is rather strange too because if you are not taking blockers then taking HRT is defeating the object.

I wish you all the best what ever happens .


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I thought Conrad Murray had been banged up!.

I seriously want to figure this out because in my opinion it is sending out a dangerous message saying its ok to take hormones after a heart attack , it is in actual fact dangerous even if you have any heart condition let alone had a heart attack.

I have serious doubts in what you have said and i have no idea why you posted this because if its true you are taking hormones and "if" you are getting them from a doctor then he or she is incompetent.

To sum this up there are 4 options.

(1) You are self medicating (very dangerous).
(2) You never had a heart attack.
(3) You do not take any hormones.
(4) What you have written is true and you have a very incompetent doctor.

If what you say in your post is 100% true you will not live very long.

Take care (you need to) but do not send out the wrong message to others who "may just think" its ok to take hormones without proper supervision from a medical expert as it is iresponsable from some one of your age (or any age)
Julia .

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject:
Reply with quote
While we do not allow URL's within the forum area generally, we thought it might be helpful to provide the URL to the Wikipedia reference page for Male-to-Female HRT:


Information about health risks are outlined on this page, including references to the cardiovascular risks associated with HRT.

Since every individual is unique, it only makes sense that what will work for some people isn't advised for others...and likewise, what is considered unsafe for some people might be perfectly fine for others.

It really is up to the individual and their personal physician as to whether or not HRT is recommended.

Weighing the potential physical stresses along with the psychological stresses of living with (or without) HRT is a VERY personal decision, and is obviously unique to each person since everyone responds to medications in their own way.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Feedback! I welcome your response because this is a serious subject! the member who started the post says GID is serious but realy needed to think of any effects this could have on a nieve person.

Here in the UK we obviously do things differently than the USA or other countries .This thread starts with the words "My close call with death" and i have nothing again'st the person who posted it as i do not know them it is like i said the signals it sends out , i was expecting a response from that person but even though i have seen them online "nothing" .

The BMA (british medical association) publish figures of all kinds and in the majority of cases continuing HRT after a heart attack resulted in death within 12 months or second heart attack followed by stroke .

My concern is like i said the signals (not just in this post) that get sent out to people who are desperate and go for the black market . When i started HRT 2 years ago all the risks were pointed out to me and i had to reach a certain criteria change life style ect and i was monitored for 3 months before a hormone was prescribed to me but only after me signing a consent form pointing out the risks.

Everyone is different and also some are lucky but sadly some are not and if i was told tommorow these pills and injections will kill you if you do not stop then i would stop because i now realise i would still be the same person and would continue living my life as me HRT or no HRT i am me simple as that.

And i will finish this with "even Wikipedia make mistakes" . A doctor will but rarely makes mistakes because thier futures depend on being competent .

My advice to anyone is do things through the proper medical channels and i will also admit that i make mistakes "but" i have read the reports on this subject from the BMA and it is shocking.

Take care Julia.

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