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Straight women who will love FTM?
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Straight women who will love FTM?

I'm just wandering weather it's realistic to expect a straight women to get involved with FTMs?

Anyone has any success stories to share? Where are these understanding women hiding?

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Posted:     Post subject:

Technically, I'm a straight female, I guess.

I identify as genderqueer or non-op FTM more often, though, because I've always felt like a gay man trapped in a woman's body.

I love men and everything about them. However, I'm also attracted to FTMs - actually, very much so.

I think its a case-by-case basis, really. If they're attracted to you as a person, it might not matter what's between your legs.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm a bi female, but probably straight-er than gay-er if that makes sense! I would really like a FTM partner....the search continues!

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June 19, 2007
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`Gay is a relative term when dealing with this sort of gender algebra.

Ftm's are ok with me for whatever that's worth (although I don't know for sure if i've even ever met one.)

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December 17, 2008
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`I am a straight woman and I would go out with (or date) a FTM if I liked the person.

Of course, it's possible.......... Why would you ask?

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October 31, 2008
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`I am an FTM and am having a hard time finding someone can't tell you how many dateing sites I have joined and once it's they see it in the profile that's the end of that

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March 29, 2009
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`i do have to say it is hard to meet woman and date being F2M but i have had a few relationships but they always seemed to want to cheat with natural born guys

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I have to say that this is something that has concerned me as an FTM. I'm in a relationship currently, however, it is not going well. The transition is a small part of the problem with us. Anyway, I am certain that I will be single in the near future and I am worried that I will never find Ms Right. I know that there is more to a person than what is between their legs, but I am still worried.

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August 18, 2009
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`As a post op FTM I have had this problem now for about 5 years. I recently tried to date a straight women I met off a straight website. I ended up telling her on the second date, suffice to say it ended but my morals meant that I had to tell her before there was any physical contact, and I am not talking S-- I am talking holding a hand or a kiss! Finding a partner has been the hardest part of the transition. Everything else has be life enriching, but relationships have been a problem.

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Posted:     Post subject:

Cdylan77, forget those women! If they cant enjoy what you have to offer then screw them. Also, have you ever thought it might be the type of women youre attracted to? Im no psychologist but we humans tend to follow a pattern lol Find out what yours is and do the opposite, you might be surprised what you find.

transsexualboi1504, stop thinking about the future and focus on the present. Communication is essential right now in your current relationship. It may feel like the transition is a small part but may in fact be a difficult thing for your current love to deal with. So talk about things and be open. And if it doesnt work out in the end, its not the end of the world! You'll find someone in time who will appreciate you for you. It may take time but what is life but the passing of time anyway. Enjoy your life and communicate!

Ajc68, Im sorry to hear about the heartache youve gone through these past 5 years. Its great that you share who you are in the beginning and if a women cant appreciate that then its her loss. Yes, its taken a long time but it just wasnt meant to be. Thats why this site is fantastic, there are plenty of open minded individuals who are fine with the fact that youre a FTM, and will not give you strange looks about it. Just be patient hun.

And to answer the original post, one can never “expect straight women to accept the involvement with a FTM, but it isnt unrealistic either. Its just a matter of finding those women who are accepting of it thats the hard part. But once you do its not such a bad thing. I happen to find FTMs very attractive but thats just me, for some women it may not be their cup of tea.


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm a female and I used to date (briefly, but still) a MTF. She was my world and I adored her :-)

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June 27, 2010
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Personally I am finding it hard to find a woman person who will date an ftm. I don't understand really. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong places?

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August 15, 2010
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`I was with a straight bio woman for 5 years, so I would have to say it is possible. It all depends on the person.

Being single it has been hard, but these women are out there. You just have to find the right one, who is more into personalities then worrying about what is between your legs. And it also helps if they are open minded.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Success story: as a pre-op and pre-t, apparently I was convincing enough to pass as a good enough looking guy (or should I say I look like a 15 year old boy) lol but I met simultaneously infact 2 straight girls who saw past it and I quote 'they didnt care'. I chose the one and we completely hit it off, she saw it as though it were a straight relationship with a guy and defended my secrecy. Unfortunately it had to end due to religious reasons and her family just so happened to be the racist bunch who threatened my entire family lol but it is possible, I know it is difficult to find but there are accepting people out there.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`It is very realistic, and the only women i've been with were "straight". well, bi- or whatever label you wanna use. the bottom line is that love is possible with anyone, but it only comes when you love yourself 100% first

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