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The Post-Op Vagina

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: The Post-Op Vagina

Can anyone who has had the big surgery tell me what the vagina is like? How does it feel? And can it lubricate itself?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

` lucky and get a good surgeon, maybe just maybe you'll have a lot of feeling. Heard gurls talking about it, they say it doesnt lube. I may be wrong. I know nothing about it. Didn't think vaginas could get any uglier, then man made one.

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June 23, 2012
Posts: 14

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Anywho... there are different kinds. Mostly skin graphs from the male genitals are used, or the thighs or hips if they run out.

When it is a good job, the sensation is supposed to be approximate to cisfemales. As for the look, again, when it is a good job, it is difficult for even the professionals to distinguish it from a cisfemale's vagina.

Self-lubrication is much more rare. Instead of the male genital tissue, colon tissue can also be used, which is mucosal, whereas the genital, thigh and hip skin is not. Many m2fs that have used the colon tissue have reported the tissue re-establishing a mucosal quality again, between months and years after surgery.

However, the colon tissue has less sensation than the genital tissue (not a whole lot less), so it is something of a trade off, and it still may not ever lubricate itself.

Not that I've done it, just what little I know about it.

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former member default image - bird flying away


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`No offense lol, but I'm sure your
More versed in the functionability (yeah I use my imaginary street slang words with no conviction) of the post op Va-Jay-Jay, being like an @ssh*le (everyone has one) my opinion is that they are ugly little wrinkle flaps of skin. Plus there just is to much to gamble with for a gurl to have it done. I think that that sensitivity and lubrication are a lot to gamble wit, especially since it all boils down to s----l pleasure. And I know that most transgender individuals place to much emphasis on that pleasure. Not so much myself but I know beyond a reason of a doubt that the type of gurl that like me usually do, and I want to be able to please them as much as they want to please me. So my advice and opinion(again) to a gurl is to not chance sacrificing that sensitivity because if she isn't enjoying she probably can't fake it good enough to give me the illusion that what I'm doing to her feels good. And if I can't get my woman to feel goo than she can never hope to make me feel good. It's a mutual gift from ones heart, soul, senses and self.

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June 23, 2012
Posts: 14

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`Hard to say. I'd really like to talk to people that have had it done, and see what they say about it, and compare their perspectives.

Although, it isn't like asking them for details about their purse -- I can't imagine many opportunities in polite, casual parlance to request intimate details about one's genitals... "I love your hair! Do you come here often? Does your vagina self-lubricate?"... "How have you been? How's Chris doing? How's the sensitivity in your vagina?"

And I'm only word smart. I promise you that I'm everything else stupid.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`To answer the question. No, it does not self lubricate not enough for S-- that and definitely not enough for dilation as well . You have to lubricate prior to sex

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former member default image - bird flying away


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By the way, if your surgeon was good you can ------ It is totally different than when we were a man, the climaxes totally different as well. Getting to that point, is much harder

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm post-op. If there is simply penile inversion done in the vaginoplasty, there's nothing equivalent to the Bartholin glands that lubricate a typical vagina. I have heard from those who have had a partial graft from the colon who had constant lubrication, even more than they actually needed.

If the clitoris is properly constructed during cliteroplasty, then one should have no trouble getting clitoral ------s. I was able to have these well before first experiencing coition. Vaginal ------- are more tricky because the nerve systems involved in a typical vagina are not so pronounced in a neo-vagina. Then again, post-op girls still have prostate glands and many experience ------ic rushes when the prostate is massaged.

Generally, a girl must relearn her own body after SRS. My ------- are pleasant, but not as sharp as male ------- were. That's not a problem for me. I still enjoy the ride.

For lubrication prior to intercourse, I not only lubricate my vagina with KY Jelly, but also my partner's -----. If it's done properly, the sensation of being lubricated in advance can be just as pleasurable as entry itself.

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