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Would you date someone who is disabled?
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Would you date someone who is disabled?

I have a muscle disease called Muscular Dystrophy. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that, it's a dystrophin in the blood that keeps muscles from growing normally. There are at least 9 types of Muscular Dystrophy. But where not here to talk about me. I'm here to just ask normal men and women, if you'd date a man who has any disability. If your on here, I'd think it'd be important for all the men and woman who are disabled to know who you are. Or if your disabled you should make it known to the world, don't be ashamed of whom you were born to be.

I hope the ones of you with hearts at least donate a penny or whatever you can to the Jerry Lewis Telethon. Or any type of disease out there. So maybe one day men or women don't have to ask this question.

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October 12, 2010
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`I would said yes: what makes us all diffrent makes us all the same...

well first of all.. someone with a disabilaty, it can be alot of things..
it can be someone who is blind, someone who cant walk, someone who cant talk so on so on.. for me it would be a bit like asking "would you date someone who find it really hard to do something" but not what..
I would say it would diffently depend on the person. only thing I could find hard was if I should date someone who really couldnt take care of himself, or who would be like a child and need my attention all the time..
but that generally for everyone...

I am lightly autistic wich is dignosed as a handicap... but beside the fact that im trans, crazy and way to much myself people dosent think there anything wrong with me(beside that im crazy).. so I been a bit back and forth in the normal and disesabe world since I grow up on a special school but went into a normal one after graduation... so a little like im stucket in the middle somethimes...
I been having a bit prejugde because of my dignose so
I think if you reject someone because of there diffrent then you should at least have seen the person first before you prejugde.. it simple really unfair, and way to easy to make it much worse than it is if you only heard about it.. and say no...

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former member default image - bird flying away


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`I agree would sadly depend on the disability and the person anyways. I dont prejudge people, but I wouldnt want to get myself into a caring and loving relationship with someone that i'd have to take full care of like a nurse for the rest of my life. Unless my love got hurt and BECAME disabled, that would be different and yes I would stick with them. However, I know I'm not strong enough to get involved with someone who would need me to clean them and feed then or somthing like that. But I do think that all disabled people deserve a chance and that they are just as equal as regular people. I'm sorry if i'm sounding like a jerk, I'm not meaning to be one. Of course I could fall in love with a blind person or someone in a wheelchair, but I wouldn't be with them because I know that that wouldn't be fair to them. They would deserve to be with someone so strong and so brave to have them forever. Maybe I'm not even as strong-minded as some disabled people.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Yes I think it really depends on the disability as well. I've actually had that issue with an ex girlfriend once. Her mother asked her if she'd be willing to be with me even when I might be in a wheel chair one day as I'm older. I was actually supposed to be in a wheel chair when I was 16. I'm 24 now and walking just fine. A lot of it I think is mind over matter. But it's pretty stressfull for me sometimes. It's something I live with though.

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October 12, 2010
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`well.. what did she answere?
and how is it stressfull?

I have never really had friends or knowed people in wheel chairs but again it depend on the person and that his disability wont make me feel like a personal worker insted of a lover...

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`It's stressfull because women think too much when they date me. Instead of worrying about if I'll be in a wheel chair one day, they should just enjoy spending time with me. I can take care of myself. Not all disabled people need to be helped. Every disabled person has someone who can help them in the community in. Ya know what I mean? lol

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October 12, 2010
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October 12, 2010
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xmisto wrote: `It's stressfull because women think too much when they date me. Instead of worrying about if I'll be in a wheel chair one day, they should just enjoy spending time with me. I can take care of myself. Not all disabled people need to be helped. Every disabled person has someone who can help them in the community in. Ya know what I mean? lol

yeah I know what you mean...
somethimes it can be way annoying if people go worry to much.

I dont really know about what you got but for me it not so noticable so I can tell people latter insted of as the first thing.. and then people are like well okay....
but if I tell them at the first.. specialy if I havent seen them IRL then they get very focussed about it and start getting alot of thought about this and that and it can be a bit annoying...
well I didnt said that all disabled people needs help.. I also doing fine without.. and know lot of guys who are.. I just saying I would mind if there was one who asked me about a little help if the person felt like.. if not then it also all fine.....

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former member default image - bird flying away


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`yeah....what you said about disabled people being able to take care of themselves and that we shouldn't stress our minds out about what might be instead of what true. I am all for living how I want in the present, because even only at 20 years old, I feel so old and so out of time it's my #1 stress. Live life now instead of later.

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September 28, 2011
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`I'm disabled myself and this may be a little cynical but I don't think people really answered honestly. It is extremely difficult to find someone who can look past my disability and see who I am. I was run over about three years ago after helping an accident. Currently I do walk with a cane due to nerve damage and injuries to my back, hips and legs. Even though I do my best to not let it hold me back. I'm actually divorced because my ex couldn't handle it so she decided to cheat. For the past year I've noticed that I'll get those little smiles and signals until they see the cane and limp. More then likely they'd answer the poll the same way. I view the results as what people envision themselves to be and not who they actually are. Especially in California. More fake people then anywhere I've ever been.

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April 2, 2009
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`I am glad this question was asked because I am disabled myself. Legally blind and use a white cane. Just like sunbear said people will smile and acknowledge you but once they see the cane that is it. It is not easy being a blind transexual woman, especially when you want to date a nice guy. Not giving up hope though, I am sure there is someone out there.


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`A very interesting topic. I have minor cerebral palsy, but I get around just fine. I use a walker or a cane. Indoors I walk without the walker or cane. I live by myself and I love my independence.
I was not born with CP but I got it through a vaccine when I was just wee little babes.
I would date someone with a disability. If there disability is an extreme case, then It might be difficult. For me, it's about connection.

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February 4, 2011
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`I look at a disability as a challenge that a person has to overcome. It's not a defining part of a person. I love people for their personalities. I wouldn't let something like a disability get in the way.

Myself.... I'm not physically disabled. I suffer from bipolar disorder but it doesn't make me any less loveable.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I think there may be a big difference in whether or not someone would date someone with a physical disability as opposed to a mental disability. I'm schizophrenic and my exes have never had any problems with that aspect of me.

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