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ok girls lets hear 'em

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October 17, 2006
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your best, least painfull hair removal methods. inquiring minds want/need to know.


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May 28, 2008
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`hmmm....depends on the part of your body you wish to remove hair from. Shaving will always be the easiest, most painless way unless, of course, you cut yourself. depillatories come in a close second, but the chemicals are too strong for use in "private" areas, so don't even go there! Ahhhh that leaves waxing: the affects are smooth and long lasting, but it hurts like hell the first few times. after that the roots get a little less sensitive, and supposedly the hair grows back finer (bahhhh, don't think I believe this). Drawbacks...doing it yourself is almost impossible in certain areas (lol) and the otc waxes are not comparable to that used by the pro's. So it leaves the root behind a lot of the time which means you get all of the pain and none of the long lasting results. Drawback #2: you have to see a pro....and that is seriously embarrassing.

So the easiest decision is shaving: drawback is once againt that private area. If you're gonna shave it, you're gonna have to keep shaving it everyday or else you'll get the itches. Not only that you get to deal with irritation of shaving, and stubble, and red bumps, or ingrown hairs. Sigh...what's a girl to do?

Let me know how you made your decision? Am just curious.

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i found that revitol is very gental and works well I had no probems with rash or any burning but it is a littl pricey look on ebay also Magic cream shave works very well and is way cheaper at walgreens I had no problems with either product I did try a small area first and clean up inbetween with a razor but after the longer stuff is gone the razor is just for the stuuble hope that helps

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July 17, 2008
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`Neet hair removal cream bought at the drugstore, it says not genital or peri-anal safe but it worked fine for me with no burning or sores, no red bumps or ingrown hairs, and skin as smooth and soft as I desired, and it tool less than 5 minutes to work. Same as above though, it's a bit pricey for the amount of use you get out of one tube.

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July 18, 2009
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What about Epilators? I have read that they are effective, does anyone here have any experience with them?

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