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Breast growth? Progesterone, Estrogen, and phytoestrogens

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Breast growth? Progesterone, Estrogen, and phytoestrogens

Right now I'm on 2mg estrogen, 75 mg spiro and 5 mg progesterone.
I started out at 1mg estrogen, 25 mg spiro and no progesterone and I started feeling the soreness, slow growth. I did that dosage for a few months but I had to stop taking them for about 2 months due to lack of money ( quit my job ) and it stopped.

Right now, on my new dosages I'm not noticing anything besides emotional shifting, and getting winded faster.

I was wondering if on top of what I'm taking now, I've read that alot of women and TG women take phytoestrogens aswell to help with breast growth, and from the various products I read reviews of they appear to give more results in about the same amount of time it took to get the small ones I did.

I was wondering if it would be safe to take Phytoestrogen as well as the progesterone, estrogen and spironolactone /anti-androgens I'm taking now.

I don't really have a doctor I can ask now.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`hi im no expert on the subject but ive been on hormones for about 9 years ,at first i was on a low dose of estrogens 2mg and anti androgens and i had no breast growth ,so i spoke to my endicrinologist , he upped my dose of estrogens to 7.5mg daily and within a few months my breasts went up two cup sizes ,

i was advised not to take progesterones as this hormone has no effect on breast development .

the other thing he said was sometimes it can just be gynetics , and if ur going for surgry like me then breat development can increase after srs or an orchidectomy

hope this helps and good luck

elle x

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Posted:     Post subject: hi girl!

i have not decided yet if i will have any surgeries soon,but here is the thing,i started oral hormone therapy for 7 years and it definitely feminize my extremeties and masculine qualities,and after 7years,i started to take injectable hormones until now,so all in all,i'm doing this therapy as maintenance for 10 years, progesterone has an effect on breast growth as long as you take it together with estradiol at the same time,there is no benefit in progesterone alone,
another thing,using an anti androgen hormones would make your estrogen dosage lesser,you don't want to have cirrhosis right?do not stress your liver because you are taking a lot of hormones,just take progesterone once a week,estradiol everyday or 3x a week,depending on the mgs.,and then anti androgen everyday,anti androgen is important in hormone therapy,do not waste money in taking alot of hormones,just make sure,you have 5mg of estradiol 3-4x a week,progesterone 250mg once a week,then 600mg of anti androgen like androcur for a month,these are tested and proven already,do not take high dosages of hormones coz you don't want side effects right?as time goes by,you can have higher dosage of hormones,let your body adapt to the substance one step at a time,do not force your body to have a lot of hormones coz at the end of the day,if you made a wrong dosage,you will feel morning temper,irritations,blood clotting,cirrhosis or liver problem,and other things,just make sure you don't jerk off coz it will contradict the female hormones that you are taking,eventualy,your body will release that fluid inside you,and the anti androgen hormone is the one responsible for not having a libido,that's all,

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Posted:     Post subject:

`very greatful to find you all im new starting out finnally gave up rejecting the girl i really am and was meant to be feel so much better but hair thinning is not helping as need to fins soloution long term dont want to be a false girl now ive found myself still looking male and hoping to get hair head growth started and breasts hormones mixed up a bit as preparing body and feeling girlie every day always at last free in mind just waiting to move area to change full time have been taking the pill that ex girlfriend left after split have some weeks left having ups and downs hope to get right pills soon but trying to hide girl inside is really becoming hard when doing daily things shopping chatting meeting people still feel straight but sometimes guys are friendly or helpful and get all shy goose bumps but happens lots with girls to mixed up and lost really need girlfriends to assist and help

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