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I did NOT always know.

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Posted:     Post subject: I did NOT always know.

I've noticed in a lot of transgendered themed forums that when you mention you didn't know as a kid, you are immediatly considered to be a fake. Or someone who's just confused and will defenitely change her mind.
Well, did not know it as a kid, and i can only trace back signs when already in puberty. Before that, everything i remember is neutral. In my opinion this is because i always living inside my own little world, scared of anything i didn't know (and not exactly been encouraged to leave that world) Basically i never knew what girls or boys were really like, and just assumed everything to be as it was supposed to be. I always knew i was different from other boys but i don't have a clue why that was. The feelings were only growing very slowly on me during pubery (but that only was about thinking 'how would it be to be a girl?' not 'i wish i was a girl', again, because i was told that things were like they were supposed to be, and i believed it), and it wasn't until i was forced to dress in girls clothes that suddenly realised this felt extremely natural. Not exciting or sexy, just natural. My mirror image suddenly looked natural, too. It was a shock. Before, i had not even considered that was possible to feel like that, unlike many people who claim to have been jealous about other S-- from a young age. Well, when i was a kid, i wasn't jealous about girls, i was scared of them, because they were unknown. And everything unknown was dangerous to me. But i was scared of boys things too, altough i tried, i never really understood how being a boy was supposed to work. But people kept telling me i was boyish enough, so i believed them. Why would they lie to me?
Anyway, since that point, the feeling did not go away, and kept growing. But i always kept telling myself i wasn't really transgendered, and just liked to crossdress or something like that, and that's exactly what other people kept on telling me, whenever i tried to make contact with transgendered people. (and even up to this day, this happens, altough i don't see why anyone would want to pretend to be transgendered, they still accuse me of these things) They seem to be unable to understand that some people are really late bloomers when it comes to feelings. I don't understand how this makes me less of a girl? I know what i want, and i know i will not regret it. And i might have experienced things very different and do things on a very different way, that doesn't mean i'm fake. I hope you all understand this.
As a matter of fact, biogirls don't experience all things the same way either. There is not a specific recipe for femininity.

Anyway, let's get to the point: i know there must be many people who feel like i do, but they all seem to be too scared to talk about it, considering how those very few who do speak up get treated from time to time. And i would love to get into contact with people who have experienced the same things. I sometimes feel like it's me against the world, (i'm not saying they are against me, it just feels that way sometimes), and i am getting tired of always having to defend myself against people who experienced things different. Personally i don't feel like pretending my story is the same as yours, so i don't. But i really don't understand why people get so offended by those differences.

Of course, i don't need anyones approval, but i hope the people who didn't know it as a kid grow some courage and stand up for their rights to live the gender they belong to!

I would like to add that i have no problems with peole who did know it as a kid. In fact, i don't have any problems with anyone. And i have no intension to start arguments. I just hope more understanding between both groups will finally happen.

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