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For transgender admirers

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: For transgender admirers

I just have a questions for all you who says they love transgenders?

What happen is you found a transgender and that he?she fulfills your fantasy?

what happens next? will you pursue her or look for a another transgender?

coz i have this idea that admirers think transgenders are fun but not for a longtime?

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June 9, 2008
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`If your a transexual,then you are a freak in this socity the sooner you accept this fact "not opinion" the sooner you can get on with a full life. Don't look for "normal" in any shape or form. "normalaty" is not something to aspire to,but rather something to get away from. Santa, the tooth fary,marrage,god are for "normal" people pink and blue.

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May 3, 2006
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Last edited by ocean91932 on Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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June 24, 2008
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`Transgendered Woman are not a fantasy to me, I'm attracted to them for a totally different reason, I find them more feminine than the new age woman, the Genetic Woman nowadays don't really need a man in their life, they can look after themselves, but Transgendered Woman are really feminine in my eyes, and the ones I know want a man in their lives. Some people will say that I am attracted to whats in the pants, but thats not true, I don't mind if they're pre-op or post-op.
This is just what I think and not everyone thinks like this, some people are the complete opposite, just check the dating groups on facebook.


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I tell you girls who ever lives in the UK and fits his wants should snag this young man up and age is not a preference. To find a straight guy like this is not easy.
Danny you are a asset to our community do not leave and keep us girls company we need it.

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October 11, 2008
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PostPosted:     Post subject: normal is what you make it
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pink or blue, or your shade or hue. Your reality is your fundemental essence and your spiritual truth, that has very little to do with what is between your legs. For the person who started this thread, they need to grow into alot, and it is my desire that eventually they will find this kind of enlightenment

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I need a woman because I'm attracted to their qualities that I don't completely share. The feminine touch, perspective, needs. However, even more important to me is the intelligence, experience, goals and drive the woman must have for me to love and remain in love with. My next sentence can sound awful and stupid but it is the truth to me; I have only met one woman who could think better than me. I place great importance on my loves ability to grow in front of me. I love my life, but it's mine and mine to share. A woman with individuality and strength comes along and I notice. Here we have people who, with great care, are growing, changing, purposely and willfully improving themselves. This and femininity is a complete person and woman to me. I do not need a partner in need. I want a to be with a woman capable of and working for personal growth and change. I am very selfish in this. This is not some fantasy to fuel. This is the fuel I need to love.

Seriously, do you know anyone who puts in more effort at being a person they want to be than you?


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`i discovered a fascination for transgender & intersexed women @ a very young age...from the moment i was introduced to the thought of there being ppl out there in the world tht had the best of both worlds to offer was what originally peaked my interests in MTF Pre-op Tgirls. later as i entered my teens i had been racking my brain on finding tht ONE special woman 2 be my other half & could bring the best of both worlds into my world & satisfy ALL of my needs. ever since i came to tht realization i've nvr once thought about turning back and giving up my search for my SuperWoman 2 come and rescue me. i love the transgender community as a whole. i consider myself to be a straight masculine man. i have had only one previous long distance relationship w/ a MTF pre-op TS who lived in ATL. we dated for about 5 months and met up often. up until the breakup it was the relationship id always dreamt of finding, all my needs were met and i felt a very strong, very deep sense of self satisfaction and recognition from being with her...unfortunately she was on hormones & went completely and violently crazy, so i was more or less forced to split. but from tht relationship i gained valuable knowledge on what i require specifically to have a happy healthy functioning long term relationship w/ the TransWoman of my dreams... if any of you were intrigued by this post. pls check out my blog. comments, emails, all forms of feedback are more than welcome.

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August 15, 2010
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February 12, 2012
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: For transgender admirers
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clionicole wrote: I just have a questions for all you who says they love transgenders?

What happen is you found a transgender and that he?she fulfills your fantasy?

what happens next? will you pursue her or look for a another transgender?

coz i have this idea that admirers think transgenders are fun but not for a longtime?

If she fulfills my fantasies then i have a real keeper. I suppose we'd move in together and if that doesn't wear our love out then we most likely would get married. The public would dissaprove, but you can't cast away happiness because societ deems it wrong. Basically some of us are looking at this relationship longterm. Some reservations exist though such as having children, but two people who love eachother should be able to find a way such as adoption for nows anyway.

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former member default image - bird flying away


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`I totally agree with Vermeth. I mean you could totally get married for sentimental reasons in a church and they would probably never know. I'm not religious at all and I feel like being with someone for the rest of your years is the commitment not some over hyped ceremony. Also I think by the state (depends on which state you reside in of course) two people living together for oh so long counts as a common law marriage. I feel that since I'm a traditional guy I have zero qualms treating a transgendered woman just like a regular women with respect and dignity. Since she (which I only say she because if you respect someone you respect what they identify with internally) would satisfy my needs in bed we can be a lot stronger and closer having all of our foundations covered. My ex fiancee and I just broke up over a month ago and it's sad she was insecure with my s----l desires and drove her away from me, sadly I would pretend that I didn't like certain things to keep her but now that I'm free I can find someone who accepts me for who I am.

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