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The More I Dress
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: The More I Dress

Hi, Guys, well I have been dressing since early teens on and off and now are at a stage where i just want to continue doing it, I am totally hooked, not complaining because it makes me feell great, now here is the problem I love knee high boots, stockings etc and they feel amazing and make me feel so sexy and very h----, very h----, infact it seems the more I dress the more i fantasise about having S-- with men, whilst dressed but i am hetrosexual and have never fancied you think that i may be leaning the other way or is it just fantasy and does this happen to any of you ? xx

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Its fantasy for you. A woman who dresses in a skirt doesn't get h----. A man who dresses in a pair of jeans doesn't get h----. A dog that dresses in a fur coat doesn't get h----. A banana in a peel doesn't get h----. So yeah its pretty safe to say you got a fantasy going on.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

Well said Johnny
I wear skirts/dresses almost daily (sometimes jeans/capri's etc, depending on my mood) and i never get h---- because i wear them.

knee high boots, stockings
I can't see myself wearing that going to the grocery store.
I'd have to laugh at myself.

OP seems to be a fetishist.
The headless horseman pic is always a dead giveaway.

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August 20, 2012
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I don't necessarily agree with johnnykash or kieratg. You very well may be experiencing a bisexual or even homosexual awakening. Dressing may make you feel feminine and it is perhaps easier to deal with feeling of desire for a man when en femme because, if you think of yourself as female, that is more compatible with your heterosexual conditioning.

Perhaps a bit more about me would help. I have been dressing long enough and put enough effort into it that I don't have any trouble driving dressed or going out alone to safe venues. I won't claim to be completely passable but I have been told that by others and I think I at least manage a cute crossdresser look. I don't agree with Keiratg's "headless horseman" comment because for some of us maintaining anonymity is important professionally, as it is in my case.

I don't "get h*
y" when I dress, but it does make me feel feminine. I grew up being conditioned to be heterosexual and even when I finally surrendered to the urge to dress and stopped trying to combat it, I thought that I would never have any attraction for a man. As I've gone out, though, I have found that I really enjoy male admirers and even getting hit on (within limits). I have come to realize that I am attracted to some men. This has not diminished my attraction to women. You may be on something of a similar path and are just perhaps processing it a little differently with more emphasis on fantasy.

Not that I don't fantasize when an attractive woman or man is unavailable!

Good luck in your adventures.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

This is transpassions
Not crossdressers with hairy ape arms and legs passions
I think this site is for transwomen who live their lives as a woman
Not for crossdressers that are ashamed of who and what they are so they have to hide their face.
Also, a pic of yourself in pantyhose showing your panties?
Another sign of fetishism, no (trans)women i know would ever do that.

But maybe it's just me that finds all of that disgusting.

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August 20, 2012
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`keiratg -

Your attempt to stake out this site soley for people of your persuasion is unwarranted. If you look at the top of the first Forums page in the upper right hand corner it says: "Transpassions - 100% Free Dating for Transexual Singles, FTM, MTF & Crossdressers." Daniela69 and I have just as much right to be here as you.

Besides which, your comments are deliberately calculated to be hurtful to people who do not fit neatly inside of your own self-defined box. Personally, I am comfortable with who I am and I don't care what you think so I won't respond further. However, any compassionate person, genetic male, genetic female, or trans should never even think of striking out at someone like daniela69, who came here seeking support and advice and is simply trying to figure out his/her s----lity.

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January 14, 2013
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`Well said Sweetheart, this is a site for all of us.. Jerrilynn your a Sweetheart and don't let these people upset you sweetie... If they don't like it then they can go else where....

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August 20, 2012
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`Thank you, boy2.

Nice picture by the way. Looks a little familiar. Great female minds think alike.


Jerri Lynn

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Let me ask you a question you two headless flakes. If you had any type of pride in yourself you would show your face. Secondly there is damn near 12 million other sites out there set up specificly for your over the top fetish, se---lly hormonal, confused men. Why tue ---- are you on this site?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Im not to sure what kind of image thos site is supposed to have with a bunch of nitwits posting headless photos. Why dont you just not post a picture, you might look better.

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January 5, 2005
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johnnykash wrote: `Let me ask you a question you two headless flakes. If you had any type of pride in yourself you would show your face. Secondly there is damn near 12 million other sites out there set up specificly for your over the top fetish, se---lly hormonal, confused men. Why tue f*ck are you on this site?

This is a great example of really inappropriate posting within the forum.

First, this is the Crossdressing forum, so if you are not into Crossdressing, or into Crossdressers, then why are you posting in this area?

Second, you ask why someone might not show their face on a site like this. Could it be that they are not yet ready to be seen while they are dealing with their own personal issues related to crossdressing?

There are lots of members on this site who choose not to show their faces. While our hope is that they will feel comfortable doing so at some point, that is ENTIRELY up to them...and no one should try and humiliate someone else for not being ready to do so.

(While we require faces for chat images, we added the Avatar system specifically to allow members to create a virtual image of themselves rather than having to actually use a photo of their face.)

We have said this before, and recently updated our RESPECT thread about this very topic. It is against the rules to use the forum area to belittle other members.

Everyone on this site who obeys the TOS (Terms of Service) is welcome.

Nothing in the posts in this thread, or in the images of the members in this thread is a violation of the TOS...with the exception of the last two posts where previous posters were called names and belittled for not showing their faces.

This type of 'judging' is wrong when it is done offline, and it is wrong when it is done online.

It is tantamount to bullying, and it is unacceptable.

So...if you are not a crossdresser or into crossdressing, we HIGHLY recommend you not post in this area.

We do not like having to play big brother, but apparently sometimes we have to remind people to treat EVERYONE on this site with respect.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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johnnykash wrote: `Im not to sure what kind of image thos site is supposed to have with a bunch of nitwits posting headless photos. Why dont you just not post a picture, you might look better.

And just to repeat/reiterate...not posting one's face in a photo does not make one a 'nitwit'.

It is fairly evident when someone posts a photo without their face showing that they are not yet ready to be public about whatever it is they are dealing with...whether that be transitioning, or crossdressing, or being someone who is attracted to transsexuals or crossdressers.

Calling other members names is not acceptable!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Mike what im saying is exactly this. I have nothing against crossderessers, not sure how you can generalize that I do from thats posting. I do however feel that it is deceptive, and of poor image to treat such said crossdressing as if it is always fetish. Thats like me saying I dress like a black man cause it makes me h----; metaphorically speaking. To each his/her own we can agree. The dilemma is that if you go to google or any other damn search engine and type in "crossdressing, transsexual, transsexual, or ------- dating" , a slew of sights will show in the results. Out of all of those sites there are only a less than maybe three that are specialized for legitimate people not cruising for s--. This site has been cleaner than most. (Whether any one is aware of it or not I have been a member on and off here since about 2001 before here tgpersonals.) Standing up for a a clean site where confident people is what I am all about. Being part of a website that is bent towards crossdressing as if it is S&M is not what I want to see. There are so many sites that let you post pictures of your headless body in pantyhose on the Internet. I do not want this site to become that. Period.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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We do not require that members display their face in their profile photos.

It is inappropriate to call other members 'flakes' and 'nitwits' because they choose not to show their face in their profile photo.

We have a 'Report this Post' link next to every forum post, so if anyone sees any posts that are violations of the TOS (Terms of Service), feel free to report them.

We review all reported posts, and we take action when/if we feel the violation warrants it.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

I agree with Johnny on this
The reason i made a profile here to begin with was that it was free from people that treat the way we live like some S-- game.
Like johnny said, there are enough sites for that
I would even say about 99.9% are full of crap like that
I thought this site was different but seeing the word "-------" twice in the top 5 groups is not very encouraging.
Another site that goes the S-- way and down the drain, like so very many have, to cater to the majority for whom it is merely a fetish.

Quote: top 5 groups
------- Admirer (18826 members)
MTF Admirer (14291 members)
------- (13960 members)
Transsexual (12788 members)
Crossdresser (9759 members)

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