Posted: Post subject: hi there, |
i don't know if you still wants an advice,,coz you posted this topic a month ago,,but here is my advice,,why don't you talk to her and ask direct questions,if she see a future with you and she has plans in the future the same as you,,then you have to fight for your love,,don't believe in the saying,,,'' if you love someone,,set her/him free,,'' coz that saying is bull----,,
all you have to do is to confront her about your feelings ,,talk to her about what you want in a relationship with her,,just have guts,coz life is too short,,we never know when or which will be be our last,,so better get your love and fight for it,do not ever take someone for granted,coz u never know when you might lose her/him,,and you may never get the chance to tell how you really feel,,,