Posted: Post subject: Give me HRT or give me Death! (LoL) |
HA! ...
I could say MUCH on this topic/question ...
but don't have time for that ... "atm" ...
I'll just post the following quote from the following
"Essay" by Dr. Vitale ...
Quote: Before I get into treatment options that have been found
to be helpful, I want to discuss a treatment that does NOT work.
I have been asked repeatedly why a crossdresser or
gender dysphoric male isn't given testosterone shots and
why a gender dysphoric female isn't given estrogen?
The reason is that gender dysphoria is far more complicated than that.
Even though hormones have a strong effect
on secondary S-- characteristics, libido, and mood,
they have no effect at all on gender identity in adults.
There is some evidence that the male S-- hormone testosterone
plays a part in establishing male gender identity in newborn babies.
However, that appears to be about the extent of its gender influencing ability.
Furthermore, people who undergo hormone therapy are given
a thorough baseline physical examination as part of the treatment.
Medical records show that with only rare exceptions,
the testosterone and estrogen levels in both males and females
typically fall within the normal range for their genetic s--.
The problem is that unlike non-dysphoric individuals,
people with gender dysphoria experience these otherwise
normal hormone levels as the source of much anxiety.
When testosterone is administered to a gender dysphoric male
there is an immediate increase in anxiety.
Conversely,when the same individual is given estrogen,
he typically reports experiencing a profound sense of well being.
Gender dysphoric females report feeling a similar sense
of well being when given testosterone.
So ... after I started HRT, I experienced that "profound sense of well being"!
among other (most welcome!) "psychological" changes ...
e.g. ... In a television "docu" about a FtM in England, the FtM said ...
Quote: Now that they are giving me testosterone,
I just want to shag everything I see ...
That' s how I was BEFORE starting HRT ... kind of like a "Mr Hyde" ...
HRT "got rid of" my testosterone & I became like a "Dr. Jekyll" type I really was!