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Word of Advice to all those... Its simple....

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Posted:     Post subject: Word of Advice to all those... Its simple....

If you find someone decent you never want to give them the feeling that you are pressuring them in anyway. A man who works and is happy taking care of himself and those he loves deals with a lot of crap, it has been the same since the begining of time. A man bares a lot of pressure, and a man who can do so with a huge grin on his face is a man who is worth not pressuring. After all im not being sexist, but a man physically can carry more burden on his spine. Mentally may be different but most likely if he has been physically burdened and strained mental or emotinal distress is but a skip in the puddle. In my mind physical stress is the more realistic of the bunch, and helps temper a mans mind. Why would he want to be pressured by the only thing/person in his life that he holds all trust, love and care for? I am interested in hearing if anyone has anything to detest with the view i share here? There is always a greater power than one, but when it comes to the equation of two, a man will be more willing and ready to put himself in the way of anguish than a boy would. That is why he is stern and firm at times, even when society is at ease, he may be the last line of defense against a hidden threat. I am proud to be me... not man... lord knows there are plenty of men out there that measure their d---s by how deep their pockets are, or how nice they are, or by how hard they are. I measure it by my reality and nothing else.

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