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T/V T/S T/G G/G C/D CONFUSED i should coco

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June 9, 2008
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PostPosted:     Post subject: T/V T/S T/G G/G C/D CONFUSED i should coco
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T/V-T/S-C/D-G/G –T/G Confused?? I should coco.

Female Transexual ,Thats what Im stuck with. The word Transexual implies S-- ,Transgender is a more gentle term. But transgender encompasses a great number of people (the majority in fact) transvestites drag queens and anyone that puts on there wifes knickers. So I can not use the term Transgender. My birth certificate says female now although I was born male and lived as such for two many years. The term gender dysphoria which is now the excepted medical JARGON for my condition was actually coined in a internet chat room in the late 80s by a transsexual woman with no medical background. TRANSVESTITE definition, one who wares clothes associated with the opposite gender for s----l gratification. The EMPHASIS being on the term s----l gratification same with cross dressers. Any drag queens, C/D,T/V reading this PLEASE be aware of the damage you do by parading yourselves around in public. Transexuals need to be accepted by society not mealy tolerated. Suicide rates for male to female transsexuals is now up to 50% . There needs to be a line drawn between S-- and gender.

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February 12, 2012
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if you are a woman just go with that. i'll throw out a suggestion MTF woman. it's pretty vague, but those in the dark can just do a google search.

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January 15, 2010
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`I know this is an old post but I am on Jennyo's bandwagon. Gender and S-- is different and it matters.

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`Normally I don't comment but I feel I must here. Why not just use the term "woman" to describe yourself. I'm not even as far as you in my transition and I classify myself as female, I don't need any other label because I am a beautiful woman to myself. And i believe you are a beautiful woman, I envy you for all you've done and believe you don't need to be labeled. I also feel I need to comment on the subject of drag queens; for some of us drag is our main source of employment. I know and work with several trans*women doing drag and it saved our lives. I understand that you may hold other employment, but for those of us, like me and my roommates, who live in places where being transgender is worse than being a murderer; it is nearly impossible for us to find work. Drag puts the food on my table and pays the rent on my home. Without Drag queens, many trans women I know and love, including myself, would be dead. Drag quite literally has and continues to save my life everyday.

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June 23, 2012
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`Yeah, the statistics are pretty shocking (although the distinction of S-- and gender is chromosomal, anatomical, hormonal, and psychological), the suicide rate of the general population is 1.6%, whereas 2% of transgendered people have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

There doesn't feel like there any safe places to go.

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December 16, 2012
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`You do not have to use the term Trans - anything. If your docs are all showing female, then you are female, period.

I changed my docs a few months ago and if anyone asks I am a woman, if it is pressed and I want to add Trans to anything then I am a Transwoman.

If you identify as female then you are female, don't let anyone put youinto a box.


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November 14, 2012
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`I really agree with abi1960,
We allow people to classify us as trans this or sex/gender that..even as a man i dont walk around with a label that says im a straight male.

So why should I parade around trying to find a label for myself as a woman. its just another term for people to use against us. I want to feel comfortable and accepted in society as a woman not as a trans s----l or some other made up label.

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