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What was the most difficult part of your transition?
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January 9, 2008
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PostPosted:     Post subject: What was the most difficult part of your transition?
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For myself, it was telling my father. I grew up in a divorced family and my mother has pretty much always been supportive of my life choice. The first time I told him he nearly disowned me, although he has sort of "grown into" me becoming a woman. This august will be the most time I've spent time with him since I was 14 (going on vacation with him), when I started hormones.

Just thought this forum needs some more topics too, hopefully we can have some intelligent discussion here.
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I agree I think telling my family was the most difficult thing.. a few weeks after that with the help of a supportive group of friends I was able to go full time and moved away, so they didn't really see me for a few years.. Then I started therapy and about two months later began hormones.. When I went home I was nervous because even though I was still me, I looked completely different from what they remembered and here I am 7 years later getting married in a few months.. My sister and I are best friends again and she is going too be my maid of honor, my mom and I speak like 4 or 5 times a week so things worked themselves out in the end.. Honestly had I known that would be their reaction I would have tried too start transitioning when I was a kid instead of waiting into my late teens.
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I'm Stephanie from England due to start hormones in the new year, living the life 6 months now, but family ditched me 5 months ago and there doesn't seem to be any warming of the tides as yet.
Perhaps when when I start female hormones, perhaps when i have the big breasts i've loged for, perhaps wen i'm post op, perhaps never, i don't know.
The few friends I've made so far are real precious to me, i'm keeping the faith, and I need more friends, you perhaps.

xxxxxx Stephanie English Ts rose

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October 13, 2006
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hi I agree telling the family is the hardest, my son who is 19 is just starting to come round to the idea i am going to be female full time, and I started in dec 05, the hardest person to tell was my older brother, but when i did tell him he was fine about it, so were his wife and kids, I guess I have been very lucky as people at work have also been very accepting of me, and i work as a train driver in what is mostly male dominated proffesion, its only in recent years that more females have become train drivers, although there is still very few.

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Posted:     Post subject: What was the most difficult part of your transition?

my name is mishalle the hards part for me so fare is a tose up between my famliy an d being the only one in the town i live in being alone and haveing no one understand is the hardest i think well for me it is

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I'm sorry for those of you,who have had family disown you and such. I know it's a hard process for you.

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.just hi

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February 6, 2008
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MtoF 20 i started out young and theres very little suport for young people a lot of doctors told me it was just a faze.... i was unfortunate to have matured mentaly a lot faster that most so when i hit 13 i felt i was mature enough to come to my own dissions regarding my state of mind.i think i've been very very lucky in that every one i've told has accepted who i am, due to hardships and so on my family is very close. the thing i'm finding hard though is the perpetual loneliness. day in day out i long for some one to be closer to me, that and of course the condition its self but im sure you all know what thats like. hugs and kisses go out to all those having a hard time, and if you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on just drop me a message i'll see what i can do


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`My heart goes out to you all. I live in a small rural town in central virginia. I am just an admirer looking for friends. I am home waiting for a new chicken coop to be delivered. I have to practice my guitar and some songs before going out to the local coffee shop tonight. My most ardent fan is my girlfriend. She knits and I pick.
Other than that, it's windy, sunny and a little chilly here. So, best to all of you. Any lovely lady boys out there in the old Dominion?

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.I was really fortunate, My transition was relatively boring. I think the most difficult thing was others getting use to my name and using a different bathroom.
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.4 me da hardest part of my transsitions was telling my friends, but im blessed to have friends dat love me 4 me so they're were cool wit it
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`I was bricking it telling my family but they have all been amazingly supportive I must admit the weirdest thing I find is guys holding doors open for me and letting me take their places in I just thank them and give em T&T (Teeth & t---!!)

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March 13, 2008
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hi everyone I'm Teejaya
I am 43 now I statred when I was 15 it wasen't so much hard for me, because I knew the path I had to take, The hard part is what we have done to each other not getting along with each other because one is more passable than looks, shape , talks ect. I still remmber the days it was not so much the reg stright people it was our own kind that hated.I have been from Maine to Ca and have seen so much, I get along with stright men and women great it other girls that want to hate...

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May 8, 2008
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The most difficult part of my transition was separating from my wife. I thought we were on good terms but I found out later how much she took advantage of me. We've been divorced for years now and I'm still dealing with the financial blow.


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May 24, 2008
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Let me just say that it is a true relief to have found a site with features like this.


Dating. But more so, just meeting a person who likes me for ME, and not because of what is or isn't between my legs. The fact that there are people interested in me for the one thing I HATE about myself (my body) is a burden.

People have said, "Just embrace that you have a ----- and enjoy yourself". (They just don't "get it" though).

In some ways it is a blessing. That is, the perspective and insight gained from an experience like this. But it is mostly a curse. I cannot WAIT, until the day I have surgery and can move past this hurdle.

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