At my core I'm a very passionate and intense person. Anything I do, get interested or involved in, or just associate with, I do so with all my being and essence. Then couple that with the fact I'm a proud nerd/geek/dork and you've got a fairly interesting least I like to think so. I'm highly intelligent, witty, a bit cynical, lover on a good day and a rebel on a bad one. And really I could go on and on but truth be told I'd much rather hear from you and let you decide for yourself who I am rather than go by what I'm writing here. As for what I'm looking for it's really quite simple. I'm looking for that elusive thing that all humans crave and that's a solid lasting connection on the most soul encompassing of levels. Granted, I prefer a romantic/intimate one but at this point I'd be happy with just a friend as well. Still, I seek someone that wants to go beyond the mundane and inconsequential aspects we define ourselves by. Someone that enjoys learning all there is to learn about someone yet enjoys that person just the way they are. And going even further, someone that only needs a desire, an imagination, and an ease at communicating to have fun. Someone that simply just enjoys the presence of the person they are with. If I could have that then I'd be a happy jedi. Oh and joining me on the impending zombie apocalypse would be snazzy too

...brap on