Im looking for a young man who either has his life together or is in the process of getting it together. I like guys who are attractive,clean,young, healthy and athletic.On the deeper side I really look for someone who is hard working, strong, intelligent, educated,honest and not a whore. I need someone who is a MAN and thinks for himself and does not live for society. A good communicator is strongly needed also. In a relationship if the communication does everything else.If you can't be real with yourself how can you be real with anyone else? Simple. You cant! Last...I love a man who can make me laugh. Im a very very comedic person, not saying you have to be, but if you like laughing and just having a good time...we will surely click lol.I don't mind guys with a sensitive side either. Id prefer that over a guy who puts up this macho attitude and feels he has to act hard to impress me.No. That will just turn me off. Anyway though...message me