I am 19 and My Birthday is March 25, 1992!
I am white and 50% French!

I am a full time student at Dalton State College in Dalton, GA! It is not the biggest college, but I do enjoy it. You can relate and actually get to know your instructors and your classmates which makes everything super fun and interesting!

I am Majoring in Political Science! I love getting into politics and debating, its so much fun and all "Aaaah!" like! xD
I am almost done with my degree and in a few years I will be running for Mayor and once I am of age I will run for senator so I can hopefully show the others some common sense on how to make things right in this country!

Hehe, I am anything but normal, I am in all kinds of fun and exciting things! I love doing things with people and others, its always more fun to have someone to do something with from shopping to just hanging out with!