I am told that I am passionate and insightful as well as having a fun and interesting character. I take a bit of pride in keeping my childish side in my heart. My more passionate interests in life are nature, gardening and being outdoors. I also love to read and watch movies. I enjoy in depth life discussions with those whom im close to.
I love to make new experiences and getting to know new people. I may come off as shy at first but if you get to know me you will see my unique personality come out. Transitioning is absolutely the best decision I have ever made and I am a much happier, content and motivated person since I took that step. It has however made my love life quite complicated.
For the most part im attracted to feminine qualities whether the person is a genetic female or trans-female. I am more attracted to personality and companionship than ever before and though I am a s----l and ------- person I am finding it complicated to find love. I am a very loving and sensitive person an I would like to find someone similar to share that love and my time with. Looks are not as important as personality to me. I would love to get to know you and share more about myself as well.
I think I have had a unique eventful life and have many stories to share so feel free to message me and ask me absolutely anything or tell me a bit about yourself. i am very open-minded and accepting. Hope to hear from you soon