Hobbies & Interests
movies, music
Their Body Type
athletic, average, fit, skinny, slender, slim, supermodel
action, drama, horror, nothing but porn
Eye Color
Hair Color
black, blond, dark brown, light brown
Their Ethnicity
African American, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic / Latino, Indian, Inter-racial, Middle Eastern, Mixed Race, Native American, Other, Pacific Islander, Vulcan
single, single - never married
Have Kids
no - maybe with the right person
Their Education Level
college grad, currently in college, high school grad, post-Graduate, some college
Income level
that's private
Do they smoke?
Do they drink?
They currently live
alone, on a pirate ship, there is a party every night, with parents, with roommate(s)
Socially, they are
comic relief, social butterfly, the life of the party
Political Views
not interested in politics
Food Related
Comfort, Eat Out Frequently, Junk Food Junkie
fun loving, jock, punk, total slacker
Religious Views
Not Religious, but Spiritual
They are looking for
conversation, dating, friends - with benefits, friends only, miss right, miss right now, relationship, romance, the yin to my yang
Their Sign
taurus : april 20–may 20, virgo : aug. 23–sept. 22, aquarius : jan. 20–feb. 18, aries : march 21–april 19, cancer : june 21–july 22, capricorn : dec. 22–jan. 19, gemini : may 21-june 20, i don't believe in zodiac signs, i was born in april, i was born in august, i was born in december, i was born in february, i was born in january, i was born in july, i was born in june, i was born in march, i was born in may, i was born in november, i was born in october, i was born in september, leo : july 23–aug. 22, libra : sept. 23–oct. 22, pisces : feb. 19–march 20, sagittarius : nov. 22–dec. 21, scorpio : oct. 23–nov. 21
Dogs, Snakes
Dance, Hard Rock, Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, Industrial, Metal, Punk, Rock, Screamo, Techno
Hair Style
emo, long hair, mohawk, shaved head, short hair, spiky, straight, straightened