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Dating IDeas For Transgendered People- a thought.
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June 28, 2008
Posts: 16

PostPosted:     Post subject: Dating IDeas For Transgendered People- a thought.
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What we need is some entrepreneur to start a chain of Restuarants and Dance Venues where there is a 3rd S-- toilet facility.

A relaxed atsmophere and dining settings and transgender friendly.

Like we go to normal "straight/gay" places we dance our hearts away, we sing, and do karaoe and whta not just like normal girls/guys do, so why not try to approach a local restuarant and dance venue with your local Support services if available, and see what they say or can do.

I would love to see this happen and I think others would too, however rough my idea is, let it be the basis we may be able to build upon now and in the future for all transgendered people.


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June 2, 2008
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`Comfort is always important.

I'd recommend getting rid of those stupid "Family Restrooms" that I've never seen anyone use and a have that as the 3rd gender facility.

I'm sorry but those things just annoy me.

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July 20, 2008
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`i agree,but change is sometimes slow,sometimes

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July 20, 2008
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`ANY ideas on the topic anyone?

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June 9, 2008
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`By making a 3rd S-- toilet facility is just like asking the society to accept GLBT as a 3rd gender. How possible you think that is?

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Posted:     Post subject: a bathroom for transgender persons

if you were to build this restaurant you would have to have four washrooms. Male, Female, Male to Female, and Female to Male.

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June 24, 2008
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`I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but if their is a 3rd and 4th restroom for M2F and F2M then you will just be singled out by people who want to have their fantasies fulfilled, they will approach you if they see you enter one of those restrooms.

Also, I thought M2F want to be treated as a woman and F2M to be treated like a man, if their are these new restrooms, then people will not call you a male or female but a transsexual, I know that is what you are, but I bet you want to be noticed as a man or woman.

Sorry again if I sound rude, but this is my oppinion.


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Posted:     Post subject: I like your response dannyt

I agree i would not and was not suggesting separate rooms. I think it is stupid to go that way one should go to the washroom of their gender or they should have non-gender.
It is a sad thing when a toilet becomes a concern for others. I mean if i have to go to a toilet and the men's toilet is free i will look and go.
Like your response and see your spirit in that response.

from edmonton, alberta, canada
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August 8, 2008
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`well in my opionion, should just build a bathroom where only one person can get in. That way there no need to worry about people looking at you or wonder what she or he going to do. plus it would allow the person to feel more safe in there by themselves.

People these days are quite not that mean, I mean, if you passable, it would be easy for you to go to the public bathroom. Like myself, I didn't have to worry girls will complaint or kick me out the girl bathroom. Cuz I pass pretty good.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Don't you mean a unisex bathroom? I have used those before I started passing as male, but in all honesty I wouldn't want anyone to see me walking into a third gender bathroom, that's like shouting to everyone "HEY IM TRANS! come discriminate and harass me and treat me differently"

nope, the mens room works fine for me

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Most areas are incorporating a three bathroom system in new buildings or when existing buildings are remodeled:

(1) Women
(2) Men
(3) Family

I've seen bathrooms like this all over the west coast. I would NEVER walk into a third gender bathroom facility.

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October 13, 2011
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`Err why not use the disabled toilet pretending the other one is occupied?
You don't always have to solve problems with a placard.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`hi guys,,well,if the building has toilet parameters and if they don't allow tg'girls in ladies powder room,then,i would definitely follow the buildings rules,,actualy,there are bars and clubs over here that has toilets exclusively for tg girls,
one piece of warning,don't ever get an advice from someone who is a complete idiot,hysterical ,narrowheaded d------- on here,,u wont get any helpful advice from him when it comes to dating and relationship,or about treating tgirls coz he actualy don't know how to treat himself right in front of other people,

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Posted:     Post subject:

`My mother worked out a budget for the U.S. Military to add separate facilities for homosexuals in the Military.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I only speak for myself...but I would think that having a third option for bathroom facilties, would only cause un-needed drama and or scrutiny. I view myself as a woman and thats how I wish the world to percieve why create a tg bathroom? I honestly think it would cause more issues than it would cure

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