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Transgender Humor

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May 24, 2008
Posts: 20

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If life has taught me one lesson very well, it's to be able to laugh at myself...and not take things too seriously. The trials and challenges of the transgendered are no tougher than anyone's challenges in life...and it is when we accept that fact, loose the chip on the shoulder, make light of our selfs...that we can finally be free.

I work for a company that provides a variety of automotive services. We do a little bit of everything including general repairs to major engine & transmission work.

Recently I discovered that I must take some time to adjust to the language related to some of our services...and more specifically, to that of automobile transmission work.

Some of you may know that the transmission of a car or truck is commonly referred to as....a "transsexual". For those of you who didn't know..."transsexual" is also known as a derogatory euphemism used to describe a transgendered person. The word is used sometimes, and I'd even say most of the time by one transperson referring to another transperson. So, you could say that it is a word that is used most exclusively inside our own community. We can say it, but you can' follow me?

Well, as you can imagine my surprise the first time I ventured into our transmission repair facility..."transsexual this", and "transsexual that". I had to look over my shoulder every 20 seconds because I had to make sure people weren't talking to or about ME!

Here are some common phrases used in the shop (and my corresponding internal reaction):

"Yeah, this transsexual over here is leaking real bad".

(WHAT? *I look frantically around for a puddle at my feet*.)

"I told you to get this transsexual out of this car right now!"

(WHOA! *As I quickly unfasten my safety belt and exit the vehicle*)

"There's nothing like the feel of a brand new transsexual I tell ya".

(PARDON ME? Well, the estrogen HAS made my skin very soft.)

"This here is a top of the line transsexual".

(OH, "well thank you very much, I try".)

"So, how much is this transsexual gonna cost me anyway?"

(HA! "Not enough money in the world, buddy!")

"This transsexual is missing some nuts...have you seen them?"

(UM,...I won't go there for this one)

(WELL, I always thought I had some screws loose, but my doctor says I'm perfectly sane.)

"Hey Bob, we got a problem...this transsexual's been blown".

(EXCUSE ME? "That's NONE of your business, bub!")

"Is it a manual or automatic transsexual, sir?"

(OH! "Well, I'm not easy, so that rules out automatic, and if I don't get a date, I always have myself...I guess that makes me a manual then").

So, this ditty all started because one of our techs said to me, "you know we have to repair the transsexual in this car"? I looked up slowly *grinning* "You know, I have to take that so in another context at this job". He started laughing and said, "You have a great sense of humor Kas". And to that I replied "Well ya have to in my position, if I didn't, I'd go nuts". He grinned and nodded his head, and I think he walked away an enlightened person.

Thanks for reading

The Girl 2 Doors Down

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July 18, 2009
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Thanks for the laugh. I can totally see what you mean. And totally agree that we have to lighten up, have some humour and have the ability to laugh at the little things.



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`hee hee that was a great laugh! I totally agree with not taking yourself to serious a client of mine is high level mentally challenged and she found out that I'm trans. She said that I'm going to be rebuild, taking of my skin and so on. I was like yeah and then they rebuild me with hammers, wrenches, concrete etcetera. And stich me up again, it's a huge operation. LOL

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November 27, 2012
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`In skateboarding sometimes tricking out of a pipe or bowl is referred to as hitting a T r a n n y... also there is a grind trick called a T r a n n y Grind, You air up a pipe or bowl and transition into a grind (generally a nose-krooks) It's a tough one to land and most people who attempt it end up landing a face-plant instead.

I remember me and my friend Nick went skateboarding with some friends. One of our friends Dave yelled at us "yo, did you see Mark hit that t r a n n y" Nick looks at me, I look back at him, with a coy grin we both say at the same time "Is he talking about me, or you?"

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