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do transmen date T-girls??

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: do transmen date T-girls??

hey there i am a mid something 20's transexual living in brisbane australia im basically just putting the word out there i would love to chat with F2M transmen around my local area it doesn't have to be anything of a dirty nature even though i would like one for a relationship just a chat and get to know people as i am finding it hard to even find one in real life i don't really know where to start..........

my question to people is: do F2M ever date M2F transexuals?

i would love to get your feed back and replies thanks guys

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November 16, 2008
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`i'm a transman and would have no problem dating a t-girl darling. has not happened to me but there's still time, good-day.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I would have absolutely no problem dating a MTF girl either! Like i've said, I like to go more for the personality and additude. =D What they have or dont have is none of my business nor a concern. My mind doesn't revolve around S-- anyways. =)

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October 12, 2010
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`this is a bit complicated but diffently posible..
well.. one of my friends who are mtf have a chrush on me, and I had considered to date her once in a while... I have also been in love with ftm, male and females.. so yes.. I would..

the only thing is I fall diffrently in love with males and females..
and I like to know whatever I having a relationship with a guy or a girl so I think I would find it a bit hard if I had a relationship with a genderqueer or just generally someone who dosent really find themself.. male o female..

for transexuals it more simple, I say fine your a man and your a women.. in mind then your so and if I date them I date the woman or man as any other people..

that also mean I wont date a Mtf if I felt attracted to the person as a guy and opposite..
I dont like the idea of people only dating me cause im "biologicaly female" either so it putting my moral a bit on a test...

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January 22, 2011
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`here in Philadelphia and NYC we do. there were so many trans-women impregnating trans-men that it wasnt even funny. its natural, and if you fall in love with someone, the gender shouldnt matter.....

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`is very good subject and its down to each and own taste desires
i was male and just finnaly accepted i am really a female inside and should have been so hope to transform and develop into her but i personally find myself still straight as im only drawn to mtf or females and feel lezbian at present or thats who what attracts me others similar or females transgender
but that may change as i develop with hormones treatments but not looking for anything developing me and emerging from old life looking best and as i feel inside and passing as the girl i am living as her etc most important as feelings change and who im attracted to and whos attracted to me is the same i guess if you like someone best let them know and get it over rather than wait to long to find they dont feel same lol all xxx

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Yes it happens and I mean there are lots of Pansexual people out there too so if you get a FTM thats Pan.. or Bi or is just okay with the fact/understanding I am sure it would work out fine. My two friends are both FTM and they have been dating for several months and are very happy and both of them like girls.. so ya.

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May 1, 2012
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`i am indian mtf waiting for suitable indian ftm to take initiative and date me.

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former member default image - bird flying away


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`Love is love dear heart. No matter what gender you may be love just makes you fall.

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January 26, 2013
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`Pansexual FTM here so I see no issue with whatever gender people are/are going to be/etc. I used to see myself as bisexual but noticed I really only cared for the person and did not look at gender at all In my eyes a MTF is a woman. End of story.

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February 13, 2013
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`I think It really depends on the trans guy. I'm FTM and have only dated biological males until recently I have made an acception and dated a trans girl. It was new to me and a bit weird for me to date a girl in general but it went well. ^_^ So, It honestly depends on the person. :)

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October 29, 2012
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`I would date another FTM or MTF. Then again I'd date anyone, the gender or non gender of a person doesn't concern me at all.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Personally I would date a transwoman but she would have to be right for me. I do not like dating random people just because they have acceptable bodies. You really have to date someone for their personality.

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